May 2017 Mummies *NEW*

Sounds good to me! I've got lots of little targets now to get to I think I have 2 more early u/s I'm scared I've hurt the baby with this back pain. I know my uterus faces my spine at thus stage. But surely it's protected in there.
They are so protected in there. My sister was in a car accident where the car tipped when she was pregnant and absolutely fine xx
Thanks. I think you just get irrational head when it's you. I thought about going a&e but I don't think I could handle sitting in the chair or even walk from the car to the a&e place. It would be agony. But then it's not serious enough to call an ambulance. Just going to have to put up with it!
Afternoon ladies :)

For those that are in agony waiting for their am I assuming you've had your booking in thing with the midwife and that's what's given you a date for a scan?

Just got my first appointment with the midwife 27th Sept, so will that be my booking in thing?

I've not seen a midwife yet, I won't be calling them until I've had my first scan to see if things are progressing ok. My early scan has been arranged by the recurrent mc team. I have seen my GP (my husband had an appointment for something unrelated and she asked how we were getting on with treatment) but she didn't mention doing anything or how the process works in this area so I'm pretty clueless.
Afternoon ladies :)

For those that are in agony waiting for their am I assuming you've had your booking in thing with the midwife and that's what's given you a date for a scan?

Just got my first appointment with the midwife 27th Sept, so will that be my booking in thing?

I've not seen a MW or had booking in yet. Haven't even seen my gp in fact! My early scan has been arranged through EPU due to recurrent miscarriage. Once I've had my first scan, if everything's OK, then I'll go to gp who will organise my referral to the MW. MW will then do booking in and arrange dating scan, although I'm hoping I'll get another scan at EPU at about 10 weeks. If not I'll get a private one!!

I got told to book an emergency midwife after my last mc so I did I also got scans through the rmc team. To get their number ivwentbthrough my gp. So I have well and truly dotted the i''s and crossed the t''s lol

Edit: just got my consultant appointment too.
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Feeling for you all you sick ladies - I was exactly like that carrying my boy. Felt absolutely horrendous all the time. Hope you get a little bit of in an easier ride in the weeks to come xx

Uh oh... Tea isn't ready for another half an hour and I'm feeling hungry. That means in about five minutes I'm going to feel very sick!! Hurry up and cook tea!!!

Lol oh dear maybe try a nibble on a biscuit? I've made it to my bed. And I've had to tell my mum about the pregnancy as she's round tomorrow and going to insist on pain relief! Not how I wanted this to come out!
Hi Girls,

Quick question, when did you start feeling Preggo? I'm feeling so normal.

I'm not worried as I've had my bloods done and the levels are great.

Just trying to remember from last time and I can't.

I'm still doing spin 3 x a week will try and keep going with that as long as I can.

Symptoms have kicked in more now I'm six weeks but they're only mild in comparison.

When I was pregnant with my son I carried on as normal throughout. I do agility with my dog and I ran a course at three days overdue! I felt well enough to so I did.

If your body is used to it then you should be able to carry on as normal. Just listen to what your body is telling you and slow down as and when you need to.

Hi, can I join please ?!?! Just got my BFP edd 25th may. Had mc at 10weeks back in May so really hesitant... Haven't told docs/midwife yet as I want to wait a couple of weeks. Mc hit me hard so fingers crossed all will be ok. I see from the other posts that there are a few of you ladies that have had problems so here's wishing us all a happy and healthy 9 months xxx
This is baby number 2 for me xxx
Congrats Hun,

There's a lovely bunch here and lots or recurrent missers!

Let's hope we all make it through with a bunch of lovely rainbow babies!!

Thanks Emily I'm hoping to get lucky and not feel too yucky!

I didn't at all with Cam. A bit of nausea when I was hungry but on the whole other than my expanding tummy I felt pretty much normal. I'm certainly feeling more nausea with pregnancy but it's mild in comparison to some of the other girls on here, poor things :-(

Hi Girls,

Quick question, when did you start feeling Preggo? I'm feeling so normal.

I'm not worried as I've had my bloods done and the levels are great.

Just trying to remember from last time and I can't.

I'm still doing spin 3 x a week will try and keep going with that as long as I can.


Still feel normal too, mate. Thinking it might be that I'm finally getting an easy pregnancy!
I started feeling nausea before my bfp :( now I'm 6 weeks it's constant but with my "missers" I didn't feel half as sick so I'm finding it reassuring in a way. I did suffer awful with my son as well though.
I've stressed myself out today!

I'm still doing bloody Hpts and I feel like it's not as good as Wednesday. 😢

I think I wanna go and get my bloods done..

I don't want to go get a scan tomorrow feeling unsure..

I think hubby will be pee'd off with me if I do. He gets annoyed when I stress.



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This was the Wednesday one..



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