May 2017 Mummies *NEW*

Hey ladies, hope you are all doing well!

Have just gone through and added newbies but if I have missed anyone please let me know and I will add your date to the front page!

I have been starting to feel a bit dodgy the last couple of days. Super fatigued and a wee bit nauseous in the mornings. Felt like I might pass out making my daughter's porridge this morning. Can't wait for DH to finally have a couple of days off at the weekend! He's worked the last 2 plus all through the week so looking forward to being able to have a bit of a break from the cleaning and mummying and maybe even get a wee nap?!! God knows I need it!

Been to midwife this morning and she's one of my friends lol. She said if my sickness gets worse I needs the meds she tried to put me on them there and then. But I want to persevere a bit longer. She's booked me in to see the consultant too.
So was it your booking in appointment? At least you know you have that option of meds if you need them xx
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got my letter for my booking in appointment not till 12th October I'll be nearly 10 weeks!
I think that's the norm nikki. My last booking in was at 10 weeks and I expect will be the same this time xx
oh really? my boys were so much earlier lol can't remember what they do at the appointment. I've got my notes to fill out before I go
I'm going to a pre-booking in drop in session next Monday, then my booking in is on Tues 27th Sept.
When i went to the loo i just noticed a bit of ewcm but was browny in colour. Should i be worried?
Vegas I think brown is OK because it's old blood think if it's red then worry but if your worried you can get checked x
Mine was a pre booking in session I wanted to change hospitals too. Well ideally I want the consultant of one hospital and to have the baby at the other coz it's closer but that's taking the cake and eating it too! My real booking in is Oct 13th

She's moved my due date to the 14th may. But said id probably be moved back to the 11th at dating scan. Going of my 5 week scan.

Vegas brown us generally OK. But could be a sign your overdoing it. Brown is old blood often left over from implantation. X X
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Glad everyone is doing ok :) Hopefully those pills should do the trick for you Lisey:)

Nothing to report from me really, still no symptoms! Still no call back from the midwife for a date for my booking in thing. I've got the doctors tomorrow for a blood test as for the last 3 weeks I've been itching all over my body, it's been insane and constant, people at work must think I'm dirty! Lol as I'm always itching! I was in hospital a few months ago with kidney stones (ouch!!!) so doc thinks it's something to do with my kidneys. He also made a point of saying there isn't much they can do medicine wise now as pregnant. I'm not sure I could cope with this itching for another 7.5 months!!
Oooh dear! Hmm you should still get that seen too!

I've stopped feeling sick. When is first tri over again? !
6 weeks today. This is my scary week. Sickness is back. It's mine and my husbands anniversary of dating today 14yrs! I guess we're not having our usual rose wine and spag bol lol
Wow 14 years, congratulations :) I hope danger week passes uneventfully too.

I'm 6+5 today and this is the furthest I've ever got woooo! Not long until my scan now, only five days. Really hoping it is going to be our first positive scan ever. Fingers crossed. I have no symptoms other than the slightly sore boobs. I don't feel pregnant at all (although I have no idea what that is supposed to feel like either!).
Can you put me down for the 23rd please? This the edd from my lmp. Can't believe I'm posting this, sooooo happy! Xx
Congrats on 14 years �� That's great snowbee! Not long until your scan!! Literally count down for you! Wishing you all the best but all sounds perfect so far ��

I don't know how far along I am but according to an FET calculator online I am 5 weeks 6 days but my clinic have booked scan for Monday 26th when they say I am 7 weeks so would not be 6 weeks until Monday, according to my lmp I am 6 weeks today! I guess the scan will tell me! I am so terrified about the scan, I have read too many stories from other ladies in my position on the sands forum and I seem to focus on the sad stories and not the successful ones! My bleeding has completely stopped and my cm is clear again and no pains. One minute I feel more hopeful the next convinced it's all over, e even thought of booking a private scan next week just because the not knowing if all ok is killing me but then I know I should wait it out to make sure we see a heartbeat etc and it will only be a week on Monday!!!

Lou X
good luck for everyone having their scan's soon! hate having to wait! 6 week's tomorrow at least I'm half way there lol I'm off work for a couple of weeks had a case of chicken pox and managers can't risk me being there incase it affects the baby so don't know what to do with myself while my youngest is at nursery lol going to my friends for a cuppa this morning!
Well if sickness is anything to go by everything is good lol. Not long snowbee can'twait to hear your good news! Rainbow may! Omg I just burst into tears in the middle of the street I must look so weird heaving on min tears the next all whilst holding a bottle of Mr muscle lol

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