May 2017 Mummies *NEW*

Evening all :) Are there any oldies having their first? I'm 36!!! and this will (fingers and toes crossed) be my first. Doctor already scaring me with age horror stories! Eek
Welcome and congrats ladies �� I am 37 in a few weeks :( so older mum too! X
Oh good, some oldies!! Meant in the nicest way :) xx
I am 33. Although I did forget my age the other day and had to check with my OH. Baby brain maybe :)
Ooh great! There's a good few wrinklies in here! Lol

Exciting journey ahead, although at just 5 weeks im still just grabbing my boobs and checking my knickers every ten mins! Haha
I'm 29. If all goes well this time, I will have turned 30 just before baby is born.

My boobs are a bit sore and my nipples in particular are very sensitive.

I'm glad to have a few more symptoms (although my hubby is less than thrilled about my gas this evening :blush:)

The first trimester I swear is longer than twelve weeks! Feels like I've been pregnant for ever and my scan feels like it's 586346 years away!!

Harpy - I'm a boob-grabber and knicker-checker too! Ha!

Scan is 28th Oct, I'll be 12w exactly - well until they move the date which of course they will.

I'm 30, will be 31 when I have my baby but it's my third. Hubs thinks it's a girl and I'm so far inclined to agree with him xx

I am loving all the slightly older ladieeeez :)

I'm glad I'm not alone in the boob grabbing, just need to curb it a little more when in the supermarket, have been getting some funny looks! When I get to the point of checking my knickers down the bread aisle, I think I'll have to just stay indoors! Lol
Lol I too am a boob grabber and knicker watcher lol. I work in a shop and I am guilty of grabbing bobs in front of customers lol. Thankfully the sickness is reassuring. I didn't feel this sick in my mc's.
Hi Harpy, I'll be 35 in a couple of weeks and hopefully this will be our first. Not for lack of trying that it has taken us so long!

I'm 6+3 today. One week until scan time woooo! Still got increased cm and slightly sore breasts, nothing else to report.
Those of you who were taking coq10 are you still taking it? I've been taking mine out of habit and am not sure when to stop.
I stopped mine when i got my bfp and just switched to pregnancy supplements.

I was just about to start coq10 when I got my bfp and been wondering if it would do good or bad or little difference now I'm pregnant
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Does anyone know if you should not take pregnacare and aspirin together because pregnacare contains vit k? It says it's ok on pregnacare box ?
Another way to prevent clots is by taking aspirin or related drugs, but these work in a different way - preventing platelets from clumping together to form clots. There does not appear to be evidence of vitamin K interacting with anti-platelet drugs.

I think there is more of an issue if your taking but k suppressents I'm
Taking pregnacare and asprin. But now I've found out what vit k does maybe that explains a few things that went wrong last year is vit k in seven seas too?
It says on my CoQ10 bottle that you should check with a doctor if you're pregnant or lactating.

I've not seen my doctor to check and I figured the important stuff to take was the pregnacare.

I have no symptoms whatsoever now, boobs are not tender, so my one and only symptom has left the building! I'm taking comfort that symptoms come and go! I'm have no sickness, no bloating, even the writing on my digi I did yesterday has gone! Lol

Grabbing boobs in front of your customers, brilliant! and why not, I see men adjusting their lunchboxes all the time! Lol

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