May 2017 Mummies *NEW*

10am 2 weeks today. Whatever that is. That's the week I always lose them.

It must be so hard to keep positive based on previous experiences. But everything looks great today and I would hold on to that feeling for now. Keeping everything crossed for you that this little bean is hanging on tight.
I've done my scary googling and actually I'm quite happy this time I'm measuring at around 5 weeks 6 days (I'm 5w 3 days) they say yolk sac should be seen before 12mm if not seen past that it's worrying. I'm 13mm and at first he couldn't see it but then he could. There was a lot of visual disturbances on the screen it looked very very grainy. He could see the hyperchoic ring around the sac which is a good sign too. It also says the fetal pole or hb shouldn't be viable until the 6th week. Again. For once. I'm spot on where I should be! Now let the worry for the next scan commence! He said he may even be able to do an external one!
I'm glad it's all good news so far hun.

Keeping everything crossed for your next scan.

And for yours x x my next one is the 26th when's yours?
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Mine is so far away!

I've decided I'm going to forget about it all and throw myself 100% into becoming a crazy guinea pig lady!!Lol!!

Lol well you certainly have some cute guinea pigs that would make anyone crazy lol.
I rang the midwives today and got my first appointment for next week. Felt like I was about to have a panic attack on the phone at first! Finding it so hard to believe that I am pregnant because I still have so few symptoms...had a wee bit of pelvic pain this morning but still no sickness or serious fatigue! I actually suggested to DH the other day that we go out for a cocktail night completely forgetting I couldn't drink! It's so strange. I am sure that with my other 2 I was sick as a dog by this stage. X
Glad it went well eryinera.
Our scan went well. One baby with nice strong heartbeat and measuring well. Will put pic on later xx so happy :)
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That's great Hun �������� heartbeat is amazing!! X
yay glad they all went well for you girls! I'm so bloated I can't fit in my jeans :( I look about 4 months pregnant lol
yay glad they all went well for you girls! I'm so bloated I can't fit in my jeans :( I look about 4 months pregnant lol

Lol me too I've just brought some bigger pants!
Obviously 8m not wearing them in this pic lol


  • 2016-09-12 15.02.21.jpg
    2016-09-12 15.02.21.jpg
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that's how I look! lol glad I'm not the only one everyone keeps asking if I'm further on lol
I have proper bloat too. I am wearing baggy stuff to hide it xx
yeah I'm not going to be able to hide it till 12 weeks if it carries on like this lol
For a bit of fun. My mum always told me I would have 2 kids because I had 2 lines here (see pic) I currently have 1 child and trying for my second. How many lines/kids do you all have?


  • 2016-09-12 15.07.57.jpg
    2016-09-12 15.07.57.jpg
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Lol yeah baggy jumpers are my friend right now shame it's going to get warm soon :s

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