May 2017 Mummies *NEW*

Great news Nikki!

Up to now I've been constantly hungry but for the last few days I feel like I'm forcing myself to eat. My OH and I are going out for an Italian tonight with friends, so hope I feel hungry then. Hopefully I'll have a couple of scan pics to show off too.
I'm waiting for a blood test and then I'll go back up and find out when my 20 week scan is :) good luck for all the other girls xx
Hello ladies.
I've been so sick I've not been on at all the past few weeks. I'm 10+5 today only have my scsn on 11th Nov. Anyone else? This is my 4th pregnancy and the worse one yet for nausea and constipation. Can't wait to hit tri 2. Xx
Great new Nikki!
I've currently just sat my ass in some maternity leggings, they feel good xx
20 week scan is on 28th December so just after Xmas :) going to see if the pics work lol


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Beautiful pics Nikki, looking forward to seeing more scan pics today xx
Hey all,

Scan done! Bit of a wobbly experience, not sure if my sonographer was new or training, but she was SILENT throughout the majorityof the appointment which just made me nervous. Then baby was being a monkey so she made me go out and have half a wee, then when she still couldn't get the measurement she made me have my whole wee then go for a walk! Then when she STILL couldn't get it she made me cough... then cough some more.
She was still quiet throughout most of it so I was like, is all OK? And she was like, yes so far so good! Then said she needed a specific nose measurement - something to do with a flat nose indicating Downs Syndrome. Then she said she wasn't sure if the baby's nose looked too flat so she would get a colleague to look... We had to sit in the waiting room fretting. Then she comes bouncing out, "all fine! Off you go for your blood test!" (She'd said if she couldn't get the measurements I'd have to go for a quad test sometime between 16-20 weeks). So I said, "are you sure?" And she was like, "yeah it's all fine, my colleague is happy with all the measurements" She was so fucking blase and I was so stressed out I just burst into tears. I looked like the poor woman who's had the devastating news...

So she brought me back in to the room and said, everything is fine on the scan, my nuchal fold measurement is 1.1mm which I know is low but she said without the blood test it means nothing so I'll get the results in 2-3 weeks. But she was like everything I needed to see I've seen today.

Was just quite an upsetting experience really and it made me quite sad. I feel like there's doubt in my mind about if the baby is OK. Will just have to see what the next few weeks bring as it's all out of my hands anyway xx

Oh and she's also dated me at 11+4 so she's put me back 3 days xx
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She doesn't sound great and the silence would have made me nervous too. If someone else checked all the measurements then I think everything must be ok. The chances are that the person she asked would have been a more experienced sonographer so that is good.
The nuchal fold measurement is good being low, I think it does count for something for sure. Lovely pic too xx
Great news, Nikki!

Sorry to hear you had such a bad experience, piglet. That would've had me worried too. People skills are so important. Surely she should be aware of how nervous mothers can be at this scan. Hope your results bring good news and some comfort and that your next scan is better!
piglet that sounds awful! lovely pics tho my measurement was 1.4 also low so that's good. you have the same due date as me now :)
Thanks everyone :) I'm sure everything will be fine. All my babes have been tricky during their Nuchals as they don't stay still x

mine wouldn't move to have its done lol I had to lift my bum up and wiggle my belly around to try and wake it up lol
Gosh piglet that would have really freaked me out. Maybe you could suggest to her that most ladies would be more at ease if she spoke a little about what she was doing, she may not realise if she is new ish. Lovely picture though :)

My measurement was 1.2, just got to wait for the blood results now, takes two weeks here.

Glad yours went well too Nikki, wow next scan after Christmas, I bet it comes around sooner than we think.
Congrats ladies, beautiful pics :) :) piglet that woman has no personal or social skills!! Maybe she has not had a baby?? That would have made me freak out! Last thing u need! I hope when they go through my history etc on Tuesday they are a bit more sensitive!

Enjoy your evening on cloud nine ladies xx
piglet are you having yours at l&d hospital? my partner lived there not far from me lol
Yes Nikki, I had both my babies there.

To be honest girls, I haven't had the best experience scan wise with this 12w screening or my little boys screening. They're a training hospital too so it could be that she was a trainee or like you say, just no interpersonal skills or no clue of how stressful a scan is! I feel a bit better this arvo and as you can imagine how googled everything possible to do with Nuchal folds, flat noses, Down syndrome calculations - I could drive myself mad with it! But I just need to chill. I saw a happy, wriggly baby with a great heartbeat and she left me saying everything was fine, so I can only go by that now until the results come. Really wish I hadn't had the screening in hindsight xx


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