*****May 2016 Mummies*****

Hello, hope your all good.
I've been feeling sick in the evening/bed times for weeks now its started to slowly creep in at lunch times, no sickness yet
I'm achy all over especially my lower back and bottom!

Now my BIG MOAN regarding the husband!!!!
I know my hormones are all over the place but I feel like he's totally unsupportive and insensitive to the whole situation. I'm not sure what I want him to say or do but I just feel like he's carrying on like nothing is going on? I just thought maybe a light would switch on! He's a big kid but is loving and I thought this might bring out a different side to him, but nothing yet.
I have spoken and tried to talk about how I feel but he thinks I'm being silly and over the top!

I mo theres Men in here so apologises if they read lol.

I from with my OH until he saw a scan it wasnt real! And alot really dont know how to act in the early days when we start getting all the symptoms etc..

Thisis my 2nd pregnancy, have noticed hes asking a bit more than before as he remembers all the stages I went through.
He will change hun, they just will NEVER understand pregnancy! Xx
Had an early scan today and my edd is 3rd may. Lovely to see its heart beat! Midwife appointment on 29th sept and 12 week scan currently down as 9th October but I think that is likely to change after my early scan today to a later date.

Aw fab congratulations :) xx
That's great news Lulabell, how lovely to get an early sneak peek of your little bean. Did you get a pic?

EAW, I think other halves in general find these early weeks difficult to understand, there isn't really anything they can see in you physically that is different iykwim. Mine was a bit useless with our first, didn't understand why I was so tired all the time and the mood swings put him off wanting to talk to me about it in case he set me off on a rant. 12 week scan came, and something just clicked, he had something physical to see then and could look at the pic after, I used the pic for a fathers day card (before our son was born) and he cried. So you oh might not get it now, and it is bloody frustrating, but he will.
Men don't realise all the symptoms that start before the bump appears!! Obv not speaking about every single man, don't want to offend! They cant see sickness or back ache or exhaustion so to them it doesn't exist.

I can't stop weeing, I'm even waking up to wee and I don't wake for anything apart from a crying child these days. Xx
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I'm having such a trouble St work. I came on SND was told to go in emi unit to such I had to say I coukdnt because I was pregnant, then I came upstairs and asked someone who asked why and had to tell them, they refused so had to ask so rind else, also telling them I was pregnant so ice gone from not wanting to tell snyone yi needing to tell 5 staff members :(

Then they argued that emi would be fine and just to go. So I've really had to fight for my own safety tonight.
I'm having such a trouble St work. I came on SND was told to go in emi unit to such I had to say I coukdnt because I was pregnant, then I came upstairs and asked someone who asked why and had to tell them, they refused so had to ask so rind else, also telling them I was pregnant so ice gone from not wanting to tell snyone yi needing to tell 5 staff members :(

Then they argued that emi would be fine and just to go. So I've really had to fight for my own safety tonight.

Have u had a pregnancy risk assessment done? This should have been done by your employer and agreed by you.
I work in the same industry and there's no way that you should be in emi if you didn't feel safe to be.
I'm lucky that my colleagues are supportive and very protective of me although it does my head in a bit. Xx
Yep I've had my risk assessment - it was done the day I told my employer but on nightshift there's not really a manager around to enforce it so it's kinda like having to fight. She's supposed to assign us to certain floors but because she hasn't it's a bit each for their own right now. Plus we had agency in who didn't know the floor so it was a bit of a hassle but we sorted it out in the end and I said I o let wanted a few adjustments (no pushing hoists which is easy as they're always 2:1, no carrying laundry bags - again easy as there's 2 of you at least and you can always take down in the trolley and not to work on the EMI)
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Nausea has hit me full force today. I feel hungover!! Sipping lucozade to keep it at bay.

The midwife called me yesterday and took details, told me to expect appointments in the post this week. She also said they'll try and do the 12 week scan before our honeymoon on the 23rd October so that's made me very excited!
How's everyone else feeling?
Aw Jem! Nausea is horrible isnt it!!

Im alright today, did feel sicky this morning but made a bacon and egg sandwich & it sorted me right out!!!

Have a proper bloat on though!!!

Morning girls,
How are we all? I'm really struggling with sickness and energy levels, I work full time, have a 13 month old baby running riot and 10yr old step daughter at weekends. Last time I remember sleeping through much of Tri 1, this time it's not possible. Been called for a scan at EPU next week due to some medication I took afew months ago so a little nervous for that. Will let you know how we get on wish us luck xx
Awe hun, try not to be nervous. It'll be nice seeing you baba :)

I also remember most of tri one being in bed shattered and feeling sick lol!!
My lb is 2 and jesus he doesnt stop lol!!
Did a bit of house work this morning and now im ready for bed lol! X
So I thought I'd pop in and say hi...!!! Got my BFP today, only 10dpo currently so it still feels v early! Looks like 26th May due date currently. Haven't told anyone except my online friends so far, they've been with me my entire journey.

We started TTC last June, I've got a little boy who's 2 on Thursday that we caught with immediately. I breastfed him up until March this year (approx 18m), had a chemical in March, and nothing since. Took soy this month (mental super long cycles!) and it's bloody worked!!!! I'm so ridiculously excited by today's news, so thought I'd pop over here already!!! X
Congratulations Tigger, it is an exciting time, welcome to May mummies. Wishing you a h&h 9 months.

Will be thinking of you Weezy, such mixed emotions when you go for an early scan. Thinking of booking an early one for myself just to see if all is ok.

I am also currently pregnant with bloat, there's no room for a baby in there lol.

Been feeling tired this weekend and had a dull ache down low all day so hope it is little bean snuggling in tight.
So I thought I'd pop in and say hi...!!! Got my BFP today, only 10dpo currently so it still feels v early! Looks like 26th May due date currently. Haven't told anyone except my online friends so far, they've been with me my entire journey.

We started TTC last June, I've got a little boy who's 2 on Thursday that we caught with immediately. I breastfed him up until March this year (approx 18m), had a chemical in March, and nothing since. Took soy this month (mental super long cycles!) and it's bloody worked!!!! I'm so ridiculously excited by today's news, so thought I'd pop over here already!!! X

Congratulations again hun!!
Gotta love soy! :)

26th may is my birthday hehe! Xx
It's 4 days after mine too!! And my nephews birthday. I went 10 days over with Jake so I bet this one comes in June!
This is a totally random and weird thought, but...

I'm actually going to have to go through labour again, noooo!! I didn't even hate it that much, I'm just scared of the lack of control! I'm going to look up proper hypno birthing this time I think!!
This is a totally random and weird thought, but...

I'm actually going to have to go through labour again, noooo!! I didn't even hate it that much, I'm just scared of the lack of control! I'm going to look up proper hypno birthing this time I think!!

Haha! We know what to expect this time too ahhhh lol xx
Yay welcome and congratulations tigger!!

All the best weezy, very jealous that you get to see bub nice and early. I hope everything is good and they are all comfy and snug for you.

I have no bloat :( I would very much like something other than sore boobs and waves of nausea... Think I'll do my last digi tomorrow to remind me that it's real!
Hello! I'm new. Been brought here by a friend...not sure if she's announced on here yet...

I'm Claire. Second baby due. Just found out on Friday. Total shock and surprise! Very very happy. Maybe a bit smug even :)

My first born has just gone 2, he's called Dexter. Possibly hoping for a girl, but not too bothered I don't suppose! xxxxx

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