*****May 2016 Mummies*****

This is a totally random and weird thought, but...

I'm actually going to have to go through labour again, noooo!! I didn't even hate it that much, I'm just scared of the lack of control! I'm going to look up proper hypno birthing this time I think!!

There you are! xxxxxxxxxx:)
My bub is due on my birthday.

I'm going for a sunroof job this time (csection) if they let me
My bub is due on my birthday.

I'm going for a sunroof job this time (csection) if they let me
A big hello to all of the new May mummies who are joining us.

I do have a feeling though that after seeing the consultant that I may have to be moved to the April babies as this is a definite C- section for me (boooooo!)
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Congratulations! Welcome to the forum I❤Dex! Wishing you a h&h 9 months. May mummies is filling up nicely now. x
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I'm having such a trouble St work. I came on SND was told to go in emi unit to such I had to say I coukdnt because I was pregnant, then I came upstairs and asked someone who asked why and had to tell them, they refused so had to ask so rind else, also telling them I was pregnant so ice gone from not wanting to tell snyone yi needing to tell 5 staff members :(

Then they argued that emi would be fine and just to go. So I've really had to fight for my own safety tonight.

Sorry to hear that you're having a rubbish time at work.

I very early on had to tell my ward about my pregnancy as its so difficult in the healthcare profession to keep these things a secret especially when you have to say that you're not able to look after certain patients.

Although I'm usually the nurse in charge on my shift I feel that I've had to be open as not to appear like I'm trying to get out of the difficult work on the ward. I've been told by my sister that I can't care for anyone receiving chemo, anyone radioactive, certain infection control risks and certainly not any patients who could potentially be confused and physically aggressive.

It's tough, especially on nights when there's less support around too xx
Yep tonight hits me and a nurse - agency nurse who won't help with the round so its me and 18 people. I'm going to steal staff from another floor up help out whether they like it or not
How did it go JoJo? I can't imagine working nights. I don't sleep brilliantly anyway (woke up at 5.30 today curled up in a ball midway down the bed because toddler was on the pillows!) but I don't do late nights well! Can't sleep in the day well, either!!!

I've got a small tinge of worry left after our chemical in March, but another IC today looks a bit better than yesterday's (peed, went back to bed, checked later!) so that's quickly fading!

I feel like I worried all the way through tri1 last time because I just didn't KNOW how likely id be to miscarry, if I was prone to it, anything. I'm confident this time though! Here's to the next 8-9 weeks! Xx
Morning ladies, looks like I'm joining the May mummies to be 😀. Due on the 16th May and couldn't be happier. Already have a gorgeous 2 year old so looking forward to expanding our family! Happy tri 1 everyone! Xx
Hi 😀
Can I join you all please? I got my BFP this morning, a lovely dark line appeared almost straight away :-) so I did a digi that I had sat in the cupboard and got a 2-3!

It's not planned as such, but my OH and I always said we'd like to start trying again when our LO turned 1 (he was 1 last weekend) so it's happened right on time but without any 'trying'. What makes it even more bizarre, is that today would have been the due date of the mmc that I had back in Feb.
So although it's still very early days, I'm praying it all goes well this time. It all just seems too good to be true at the minute but hopefully this is one of those things that is just meant to be :-) xxx
How did it go JoJo? I can't imagine working nights. I don't sleep brilliantly anyway (woke up at 5.30 today curled up in a ball midway down the bed because toddler was on the pillows!) but I don't do late nights well! Can't sleep in the day well, either!!!

I've got a small tinge of worry left after our chemical in March, but another IC today looks a bit better than yesterday's (peed, went back to bed, checked later!) so that's quickly fading!

I feel like I worried all the way through tri1 last time because I just didn't KNOW how likely id be to miscarry, if I was prone to it, anything. I'm confident this time though! Here's to the next 8-9 weeks! Xx

Not fantastically to be honest. Got through it but I ended up doing quite a few people in my own I shouldn't have but I didn't strain myself too much and it f let fine. I have another a
Point,net with my boss on Thursday morning to discuss my risk assessment - we did a preliminary one, but she wants to do a more in depth one so I mit mention the issues I have been having,

The nurse said to me today that I was harder working pregnant than most of the girls are normally lol. I'm always being told to sit down and slow down so I may have an issue adjusting to slowing the hell down.

And as for the person asked about my first labour...

It wasn't awful.,,I was inducted on the Saturday luncgtiyme, waters broken on Sunday tea time and did t go I to active labour until 6am on the Monday morning. I progressed really slowly until 10am where I went from 4cm to 8.5 cm in half an hour... All was going well until I projectile vomited (it was amazing, my mum was right in front of me and quick as a cat she picked up a bowl and caught it- amazing nurse skills!) from that moment he was in distress so we went for a section.

My recovery was awesome, - I had an issue with a stable being bent but apart from that I was totally fine. I was up the next day and hime in the Thursday (baby had feeding issues) it was awesome.
Congratulations new May Mummies!

I had to tell my Head of Dept at school today because there's a residential trip in November and at the moment the idea of spending pretty much 36 hours straight on a coach with about 60 kids, with potentially awful morning sickness did not appeal. It was optional for me to go anyway as I'm the only one in the dept with a child so they always check I'm OK with childcare before trips and stuff so there was no drama. She was fine, she was kind of expecting it to happen after I told her about my mc back in May, although when she realises I'm going to be going on leave just before the kids start gearing up for their exams.........
Feeling so bloated today, my trousers felt fine last week, this week could not wait to get out of them and into pjs when I got home.

Hope you get work sorted JoJo, doesn't sound an ideal situation, hopefully your next meeting will sort some things out at work for you but in the meantime you make sure you look after yourself.
Congratulations and welcome to new May mummies :)

I'm full of cold today, not happy! Haven't had a cold for ages but as soon as I'm pregnant and can't take anything I geT one! Xx
Feeling awful today, absolutely shattered and have felt sick all day, to the point I wish I would just be sick :(
I'm so hungry but don't have an appetite for much
I've just seen this programme advertised for tonight, BBC2 9pm, called Countdown to Life. Today covers the development of a baby in the first 8 weeks after conception. Will be interesting to get a sort of look at whats happening inside us all.
Congratulations to all the May mummies!

Ahh Kim it's probably not really a cold but some sort of pg symptom!

My work buddy announced her news today - about 3 people came and said to me "I thought you'd be the next one!" Knobs! What am I supposed to say to that?!


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