*****May 2016 Mummies*****

Confirmed on a digi this evening, 2-3 showed with a fairly diluted pee that I barely held! Got another one which I'll do over the weekend I think :)
Im guessing 6 cant be wrong? Midwife in the afternoon straight from an interview.
Just booked my 12 week booking appointment and scan :) 2nd nov xx
Just booked my 12 week booking appointment and scan :) 2nd nov xx

Awww amazing!! Think ur the 1st one to get a dating scan date!
Im still waiting to hear from my bloody mw for a booking in lol xx
I think my area does it different to others. I don't have 8 week appt have it with 12 week scan appt xx
I think my area does it different to others. I don't have 8 week appt have it with 12 week scan appt xx

Thats what mine was like with Noah. But they wouldnt give me a scan date and made me call back after 8wks to get a date lol.

Thought it was the same again but apparently not, and i get an 8-10wk booking in then scan date.
I asked the dr and she said its just up to the community MWs and depending on they work load apparently! Xx
I'm feeling humongous today had to undo my button, also having cramps when sat, I'm a delivery driver so not sitting down out question, they feel like proper period pains??
And I'm absoluty shattered!
Talk of the devil! A community MW Just called!
Having my booking in next Friday :) yay! X
I'm feeling humongous today had to undo my button, also having cramps when sat, I'm a delivery driver so not sitting down out question, they feel like proper period pains??
And I'm absoluty shattered!

Yeah mine get very achey hun!
Im sat at my desk all day and i find being up right brings them on.
I get home and literally have to lay down lol!

Im already wearing my old maternity under bump work trousers from last pregnancy lol! Going to pop my size 12 trousers hahaha! And i refuse to buy bigger sizes so the mat ones r out haha xx
I'm very achy tonight but have been fine all day. Definitely feeling the tiredness after a long week at work!

I've heard nothing from the midwives. Not a teeny tiny peep. Starting to think I should call my GP and get them to refer me as self refer seems to be taking forever. I'm so impatient!
I'm very achy tonight but have been fine all day. Definitely feeling the tiredness after a long week at work!

I've heard nothing from the midwives. Not a teeny tiny peep. Starting to think I should call my GP and get them to refer me as self refer seems to be taking forever. I'm so impatient!

I informed mine over a week ago and its taken them this long just to call to arrange a date!

No hard chasing it up though hun!

Mines busy so ive had a call off a mw thats not even from my drs. I have to go to another surgery 15mins away for my booking in as mine isnt available for 8 weeks!!!!! Xx
Right, maybe I need to phone the docs then to get the ball rolling, was going to leave it till 6 weeks but hearing about how long you may have to wait, I'd best get in there! Elbows out and push my way to the front if need be lol.

I feel massive too, but only at the end of the day. I wake up feeling empty but by the time I'm home I feel like I've swollen up.

Question, when should I get a 3+ weeks result on a digi? I'm 5+1 today. I've got one but don't want to waste it if its too early.
Right, maybe I need to phone the docs then to get the ball rolling, was going to leave it till 6 weeks but hearing about how long you may have to wait, I'd best get in there! Elbows out and push my way to the front if need be lol.

I feel massive too, but only at the end of the day. I wake up feeling empty but by the time I'm home I feel like I've swollen up.

Question, when should I get a 3+ weeks result on a digi? I'm 5+1 today. I've got one but don't want to waste it if its too early.

I got mine 4+6 but i could be further along anyway.

But 3+ normally means 5+ weeks pregnant so do it in the morning hun, ur hcg should defe be strong enough xx
Thanks hun, I hope so but have the fear that it wont show. Might hang on till Monday morning just to make sure. Have been doing some ics every couple of days and they are showing up quickly and dark. I feel more pregnant this time than when I last miscarried at around 6 weeks so feeling more positive. Maybe I will do it tomorrow.....
How's everyone doing?
I can't believe that I'm 7 weeks tomorrow,beginning to feel a bit more real now. Was at a wedding yesterday and obv wasn't drinking and we was happily telling complete strangers why lol, I'm feeling a lot more relaxed about it now x
Plus I've just put a dress on that I was wearing on holiday 6 weeks ago and I'm 7lbs lighter now but it's definitely a bit snug around the middle :/ lol x
Hey, doing good here. I took the plunge and did my digi test this morning and it came up 3+ which was a massive relief. Started feeling a little nauseous too, which I'm actually really pleased about (although I don't want it to get any worse!). Iss anyone else feeling constantly damp down there? I hate being on knicker watch but have to keep checking every half hour just to make sure nothing bad is happening. I'm only 5+2, 7 weeks seems a lifetime away at the moment, let alone 12 and the first scan.
Pantyliners will be your nee best friend hun lol!! CM steps up its game big time in pregnancy lol! Its minging!

Nausea has started big time for me today. Constantly feeling all icky but no sockness as of yet.
I wasnt sick in my 1st pregnancy, so FX! But i hate this feeling. Dnt fancy anything in my house to eat at all! Xx
Hello, hope your all good.
I've been feeling sick in the evening/bed times for weeks now its started to slowly creep in at lunch times, no sickness yet
I'm achy all over especially my lower back and bottom!

Now my BIG MOAN regarding the husband!!!!
I know my hormones are all over the place but I feel like he's totally unsupportive and insensitive to the whole situation. I'm not sure what I want him to say or do but I just feel like he's carrying on like nothing is going on? I just thought maybe a light would switch on! He's a big kid but is loving and I thought this might bring out a different side to him, but nothing yet.
I have spoken and tried to talk about how I feel but he thinks I'm being silly and over the top!
Had an early scan today and my edd is 3rd may. Lovely to see its heart beat! Midwife appointment on 29th sept and 12 week scan currently down as 9th October but I think that is likely to change after my early scan today to a later date.

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