*****May 2016 Mummies*****

Just booked an early scan with Peekaboo baby :)

28th Sept! Eeeeeeek!!!! Xx
Ooooh! My book in is 25th September I'm hoping we get a scan before my grandmas birthday do we can surprise her
Jem8789 - EDD 12th May

I don't have any appointments yet! Mind you, the self refer thing for the midwives said they might take up to 7 days to get back to me, and that was only sunday. I think I hit 12 weeks while we're on honeymoon, so i'm hoping we can get a scan before we go!
my mw got bsck to me the same day. They just had yo get the book and hook my appointment in. I'll only be 7.5 weeks though which feels sharp to me
H4L (well his good lady) EDD - 3rd May

Midwife appointment this Friday so will update scan dates etc after that. Although we are away on holiday start of october so i expect the scan dates to be around 20th October. We will see on Friday when i get introduced to what seems like the wonderful rollercoaster of pregnancy and all things associated with it.
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Kim88 EDD 18th may

I feel awful already!! Constant headache, exhausted and dizzy. Oh how I love the first trimester haha x
Kim88 EDD 18th may

I feel awful already!! Constant headache, exhausted and dizzy. Oh how I love the first trimester haha x

Ive had awful headaches and the off bit of dizziness too!

Ive had everything other than sickness lol! In shattered my boobs are huge and killing me tooooo!!! Xx
I think my boobs are bigger, they're not too sire only when I touch them to check lol. I'm Judt in a gagging and bloody knackered stage.
My boobs are horrific. Literally feel like they've doubled in size and they're so sore! Other than that and the occasional cramping (like period pains, but not painful?!) and needing to pee all the time, it's just a regular Tuesday for me :)
I just remembered that I started leaking at like 16 weeks last time. That was weird.
Think we should update page one with all our EDD and names so we can get to know eachothers bit more! :) xx

Emma when you have time can u edit it.

Babyslog - EDD 11th May 2016


Yeah i will do it tomorrow as its my day off n my first day child free as little one is now full time at school lol xx
Think we should update page one with all our EDD and names so we can get to know eachothers bit more! :) xx

Emma when you have time can u edit it.

Babyslog - EDD 11th May 2016


Yeah i will do it tomorrow as its my day off n my first day child free as little one is now full time at school lol xx

Ooo fab ta huni :) xx
Carli91 EDD 9th May

Feel like I have gone 2 nights on the ale and been ran over by a truck :( don't remember feeling this bad with my son xx
Seems that my OH symptoms just now consist of a bit of insomnia, some pressure on stomach when seated, brick boobs as she calls them, feeling sick but not being sick and tired at night.

Mine on the other hand arent so bad, my moobs are ok (for now) and no sickness. I cant sleep though so im more tired on the nightshift than usual. May need to look at a day shift for the truck. I think im just too excited, if im not texting my OH im on here or looking at nursery stuff etc on the internet.

EDIT: oh and peeing alot.
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Haha....I had a gagging moment this morning (not sex related lol) and I'm looking very bloated...5th baby means I expect a nearly bump but not this early lol x
Bobkat edd 12 May
I am getting a proper bloat after eating, and my boobs have started tingling, I got quite cold last night and they were like artillery shells let alone bullets, I don't mind if they get bigger tho, never had much to write home about there. No nausea atm just a raging appetite. Oh, and spots, lots of them. Lovely.
Just been docs to book midwife appointment, earliest 6 oct, by my calculations ill be 10 + 1 by then. Was hoping to be in before then. This normal? Thought it was 8 weeks. I've never done this so it's all a little worrying
I didnt see a midwife until the day of my dating scan at 11+3 with my LB.
I had booking in, scan & bloods done all at the same time.
Didnt see my community mw at the drs until 16wks!

Dnt worry hun. They dnt really do much at all xx
I didnt see a midwife until the day of my dating scan at 11+3 with my LB.
I had booking in, scan & bloods done all at the same time.
Didnt see my community mw at the drs until 16wks!

Dnt worry hun. They dnt really do much at all xx

Thank u babyslog
Feel a little alone, medically speaking lol, feel like I need to see someone in order for this to be real.
I didnt see a midwife until the day of my dating scan at 11+3 with my LB.
I had booking in, scan & bloods done all at the same time.
Didnt see my community mw at the drs until 16wks!

Dnt worry hun. They dnt really do much at all xx

Thank u babyslog
Feel a little alone, medically speaking lol, feel like I need to see someone in order for this to be real.

I was the same hun.
When i was in tri1 last time everyone had these 6-8wk booking in appointments and i had none! Lol!
They have changed it by me now where i should have something about 8 wks. But booking in is really just filling out ur pregnancy notes and sometimes bloods, but some mws wait till scan for that anyway xxx

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