*****May 2016 Mummies*****

I have an early scan wed next week il be 6 weeks then hoping bub is in the correct place this time :) xxx

Fingers crossed for you. I've been to see my GP this morning and she's booking me in for an early scan in the next week. Just waiting for her to call back with a date x
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I'm having a down day today :( sure this baby isn't going to stick. My boobs aren't sore at all today, I'm just tired. Feel so so low I could really cry.
So I got a faint test on Saturday with a test that was 20miu and I it this today on a test that was 50miu so I feel confident that my hormones have gone in the right direction

I'm not testing any more and I'm not going to worry unless I bleed or have pain


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Aw hun its such a horrible feeling isnt it. We worry ttc then worry whilst pregnant! Then worry when they arrive!
Its never ending xxx
At the mo I'm constantly worrying about having two and making sure my little boy feels loved enough
Hi ladies,and welcome to sunflower and Kim. I've been back at work today after the summer hols and feel shattered, also got quite headachy as used my computer a lot more than I had recently but was unsure about paracetamol so suffered until home time, came home, ate a massive amount and headache gone - clearly food is my paracetamol substitute! I'm tired, hungry all the time, peeing more and have a massive outbreak of spots on my chin. But I'm also really happy. Really want this one to stick.
Jojo, I have one boy at the moment, just starting school so I've a worry of him thinking I've shipped him off to school and replaced him with another. I'm sure he'll take it in his stride though, kids are far more resilient than we think.
Aww I know I feel tired already and it's only going to get worse! As for the eating I'm definitely making the most of it before sickness kicks in properly! I lost half a stone in my first trimester last time because I couldn't eat for feeling sick. Xx
Welcome to all the new May mummies...there's a good few of us now.
I can't get over how tired I am-never had this before but then I didn't 12 hour shifts in previous pregnancies.
Oh has a job interview tomorrow so fingers crossed he'll get it.
Also decided to finally break the news to my mum on weds x
i told my mum, who told my dad and she said her best friend "guessed" lol
my best friend guessed because I looked like shit and I have to tell work tomorrow

hubby knows obviously.

I work nightshifts so i'l dreading seeing how that goes.
We told mine and OH's parents on saturday when we found, and our sisters too, but that's because I have my hen do on Saturday and needed a cover so that it's not noticed that i'm not drinking!
Ooh! Exciting!

We had our wedding in April 2012, by our first anniversary we needed a babysitter lol you'll be the same
Think we should update page one with all our EDD and names so we can get to know eachothers bit more! :) xx

Emma when you have time can u edit it.

Babyslog - EDD 11th May 2016

Jojo84 EDD 11th May

I feel well dodgy tonight. It's like a gagging feeling in my throat like I want to gag but I don't feel sick, just like I'm gagging.

And my child is walking around with his nappy on his head lol wonderful! Lol
Jojo84 EDD 11th May

I feel well dodgy tonight. It's like a gagging feeling in my throat like I want to gag but I don't feel sick, just like I'm gagging.

And my child is walking around with his nappy on his head lol wonderful! Lol

Aw no!
I pretty much gagged the entire tri 1 with Noah. Inwasnt actually sick once but the nausea was horrendous!
As of yet i dont feel sick what so ever this time!
But im only coming up 5wks so i know that can change lol xx
andreatav EDD 11th May 2016 did another test today as I haven't been feeling too well past few days.
Jojo84 EDD 11th May

I feel well dodgy tonight. It's like a gagging feeling in my throat like I want to gag but I don't feel sick, just like I'm gagging.

And my child is walking around with his nappy on his head lol wonderful! Lol

Aw no!
I pretty much gagged the entire tri 1 with Noah. Inwasnt actually sick once but the nausea was horrendous!
As of yet i dont feel sick what so ever this time!
But im only coming up 5wks so i know that can change lol xx

I had nothing last time! Was sick once but thst was dental anaesthetic. My mother just shouted "GIRL!" Freakishly loudly in the middle of Tesco because I was moaning lol

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