*****May 2016 Mummies*****

We have been ttc and got a bfp first time. Told my mum who was totally excited about it. His parents not so much. We had to tell them it wasn't planned. They just kept talking about money. We both have really good jobs and about to move into a new home. I don't understand why they are so negative. They make me so angry. I can't escape them though because we live with them until our house is ready. I did tell them my first concern was having a healthy baby!! :wall2::wall2::wall2:
We have been ttc and got a bfp first time. Told my mum who was totally excited about it. His parents not so much. We had to tell them it wasn't planned. They just kept talking about money. We both have really good jobs and about to move into a new home. I don't understand why they are so negative. They make me so angry. I can't escape them though because we live with them until our house is ready. I did tell them my first concern was having a healthy baby!! :wall2::wall2::wall2:

My FIL asked both this time and with my 1st pregnancy if it was planned. Which i proudly answered YES U CHEEKY SOD!
Dont feel u have to pretend this was a 'surprise' hun.. U both wantes this baby. Ur adults, u work, ur about to move into ur own home. Its no1s business! Xx
So i popped into the drs today to grab my maternity pack.

When i was pregnant with my LB at a diff surgery i collected the pack and had to wait till 8wks to call a number and arrange my 12wk scan. Booking in was done at that point after my scan aswell as bloods.
So it was nice when the receptionist said the mw will call me in a week tk arrnage a booking in for 8 wks. Then bloods up hosp.
I hated waiting and waiting lol!! X
Hi everyone

Please may I join the May mummies?

My due date is 3rd May and it feels like forever away!
Morning all,
Welcome and congrats to you Andreatav , suziedx and sarah_sun :)
I'm sat outside the MW for booking apt. Still in disbelief and convinced she's going to tell me I'm not preg even after all the sickness and tests argh.
Hope you've all had a good few days and sorry I've not been around much xx
So i popped into the drs today to grab my maternity pack.

When i was pregnant with my LB at a diff surgery i collected the pack and had to wait till 8wks to call a number and arrange my 12wk scan. Booking in was done at that point after my scan aswell as bloods.
So it was nice when the receptionist said the mw will call me in a week tk arrnage a booking in for 8 wks. Then bloods up hosp.
I hated waiting and waiting lol!! X
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Morning all,
Welcome and congrats to you Andreatav , suziedx and sarah_sun :)
I'm sat outside the MW for booking apt. Still in disbelief and convinced she's going to tell me I'm not preg even after all the sickness and tests argh.
Hope you've all had a good few days and sorry I've not been around much xx
I've booked my appointment with the midwife. I've been told to pick up a baby book. I've no idea what this is. I'm so clueless. Haha
Just got a BFP yesterday I'm very scared atm due to having a ruptured ectopic in April losing my right tube and baby after emergency surgery hoping all is well with this bub anyway all being well I should be due about 12th may xxx
Thanks Weezy

Hope all went well in your booking in appointment today x
Just got a BFP yesterday I'm very scared atm due to having a ruptured ectopic in April losing my right tube and baby after emergency surgery hoping all is well with this bub anyway all being well I should be due about 12th may xxx

Congratulations on your BfP!

Good luck with everything. I know exactly how you feel as I too in January 2013 had an ectopic pregnancy which ruptured at 14 weeks ( I hadn't even been aware that I was pregnant). This resulted in emergency surgery and my right tube removed too.

I also have that little worry in the back of my mind and I know our risk is heightened though I also know a number of people who have gone on to have successful pregnancies post ectopic.

I was advised by my consultant at the time that if I became pregnant again that I would need to have an early scan to confirm that the pregnancy is in the correct place. So, Monday morning I have my first appointment with my GP to advise of my pregnancy and to ask her to arrange my early scan.

Hugs, Sarah x
Thankyou il be ringing my EPAU on Monday they told me I can go direct to them so hopefully get a scan soon xx good luck to you xx
Loving that there's more of us may mummies appearing...il put a date ordered post up when I get 10 minutes so we can see who's who and when we're all due xx
popping in here as I beling here apparently.

I'm due on my birthday at the mo (11th) and I hope I get to stay but my tests are still very light and its freaking me out.

I haven't even told my GP yet, ill prob wait a few weeks.

suzie - if baby book Is what I got a few years back its basically your green notes, I had to pick them up and fill some of the parts in before my appointment to book in
popping in here as I beling here apparently.

I'm due on my birthday at the mo (11th) and I hope I get to stay but my tests are still very light and its freaking me out.

I haven't even told my GP yet, ill prob wait a few weeks.

suzie - if baby book Is what I got a few years back its basically your green notes, I had to pick them up and fill some of the parts in before my appointment to book in
Congrats! I'm due 11th May too!! Can't wait to get my 12 week scan tho to definitely confirm.
Hello!! I belong here too :) think i'm due around 12th May, but looking forward to my 12 week scan to confirm.
We get married in 3 weeks, so I hope the lack of symptoms carries on until then!
Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend xxx
Woooohooooo a May thread.

My better half is due on 3rd of May according to her calculations. Midwife appointment this coming week.

We made the decision to tell our closest family, parents and my brother yesterday and it was a happy room. Everyone else will have to wait to be told until we get to the 10-12 week stage. We have a lot happening around 9 weeks which will probably dictate when some of our closest friends find out.

My wife does love her bed so it was a surprise that she was downstairs at 4am this morning and arching TV because she couldnt get back to sleep. Probably risen help that I kept singing Insomnia by Faithless to her.... "I can't get no sleep"

Anyways as you can tell I'm pretty damn excited and hope you guys don't mind a man about the place.

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