*****May 2016 Mummies*****

I slep terribly, which is mad wose by the fact I have to factor in nightshift 2-3 nights a week.
I must be the only one that's been sleeping so well since I've been pregnant, sorry ladies!! It's a miracle if I'm awake past 8.30. I usually wake up in the same position I went to sleep in as well, but still feel just as tired as when I went to sleep :-(
I must have slept funny on my shoulder, can barely move it today. Got my wheat bag tucked under my hoody which seems to be helping a little.
Got to try and sell my car today :-/ having my grandads car next weekend which is bigger and cheaper to run. Can't wait. Xx
I must be the only one that's been sleeping so well since I've been pregnant, sorry ladies!! It's a miracle if I'm awake past 8.30. I usually wake up in the same position I went to sleep in as well, but still feel just as tired as when I went to sleep :-(
I must have slept funny on my shoulder, can barely move it today. Got my wheat bag tucked under my hoody which seems to be helping a little.
Got to try and sell my car today :-/ having my grandads car next weekend which is bigger and cheaper to run. Can't wait. Xx
I generally go to sleep about 8:30 but always wake up and with either a dead arm/needing loo/or oh nicking the duvet! Altho last night I was awake till 22:50!! That's late for me since been pregnant!!
I've found my wheat/heat bag to be a god send especially when having aches or cramping.xx
Hi everyone.

I am completely new to all this but I am expecting my first baby around 7th May. I have ridiculously irregular cycles and had a scan a few weeks ago which would have been my 12 week scan going by my last period but they dated me at around 8 weeks 4 days so I have another one on the 28th. I can't complain though as I got an extra scan 😊 It was such a relief to see a baby and a heart beat! I was so worried my body was playing some evil trick on me and there wasnt even a baby but there she/he was, kicking and wriggling.

They still haven't given me an exact due date as they said it will be a more accurate measurement when the baby is bigger but I'm super excited!!!!

Any way just thought I would share my story so far and say hi 😊
Is anyone else suffering with foot pain? I'm 3 hours into a 12 hour night shift and my feet are killing me...it feels like I am flat footed and the side of my foot is really painful x
Welcome to May mummies dancer!

I had a VERY tiring day yesterday - finally got home about midnight and had a bit of a meltdown terrified I've done something wrong. The pool at the spa felt too hot and I should've got out sooner, I spent ALL day on my feet photographing people on a go ape style rope course and think I should've sat down, I drank too much tea and Coke, and then I almost felt a bit drunk getting home even though I've been nowhere near alcohol! (Think that was just tiredness). I'm going to put the mental person thoughts to the side though and try and be a bit normal....!!

As far as sleep goes, I'm with the majority. If I wake for a pee past 5am, that's it. I cannot get back to sleep. Before that and I might - after an hour or so! It was one of the reasons I "knew" this time around - it started the night before my BFP! Xx
Congrats Dancer :-) welcome to may mummies.

Seems like I jinxed myself yesterday....slept rubbish last night, tossing and turning all night. I still managed 10 hours in bed, although not all sleep sadly!

I've just had the best breakfast :-) really naughty, but I don't care! We brought these bad boys yesterday, but ended up having tea at my mums so totally forgot about them. (I've only eaten the one....may well be more if the OH doesn't hurry up downstairs!!)


Got another busy day today. A big christening to go to at noon, followed by a yummy hog roast :-) then we're going for an Indian this evening with the whole family as my uncle and his family are visiting (they recently moved to Holland).
Also got to try and sort out cars. I sold mine yesterday with we buy any car (sore point, I won't go into that!) so need to arrange when I'm going to have my Grandad's car. I'm hoping it won't be too long because of getting to work this week :-/

Sorry, that turned into a very long one!
Hope you all enjoy your Sunday :-) xxx
Jenni i want one!!!!!

Welcome to May Mummas and PF Dancer! X
Omg I r just discovered over the bump maternity jeans. Not that I'm huge but normal clothes are getting rather uncomfortable. Wow, these are amazing, defiantly buying more!!
Hurrah for no being sick Andrea, how have you been today? Welcome Dancer!

I've been looking at mat clothes today as I seem to have popped but really don't want to buy any till after the scan (don't want to jinx it) so living in leggings at the mo. Got some mat clothes left from last time but they're not really suitable for work/smart. I'm singing in a concert next weekend and my usual black skirt won't fit without it being completely obvious. Only one week left at work till half term so I'm wearing baggy cardigans over my usual clothes and considering using a hair bobble to help do the button up on my trousers! No idea what to do for the concert.
Hurrah for no being sick Andrea, how have you been today? Welcome Dancer!

I've been looking at mat clothes today as I seem to have popped but really don't want to buy any till after the scan (don't want to jinx it) so living in leggings at the mo. Got some mat clothes left from last time but they're not really suitable for work/smart. I'm singing in a concert next weekend and my usual black skirt won't fit without it being completely obvious. Only one week left at work till half term so I'm wearing baggy cardigans over my usual clothes and considering using a hair bobble to help do the button up on my trousers! No idea what to do for the concert.

I've been in leggings for a few weeks, which i still found a bit uncomfortable. found these on eBay for a couple pound, pleased I got them, I can't wear leggings to work only black jeans/trousers, I've out grown my work trousers and most of my jeans :(
Asos soft touch maternity leggings are the best thing ever! I got them last time I was pregnant and still wear them lol
I found my over the bump work trousers yesterday morning - I'm definitely wearing those bad boys today!!!

Oh so exciting babyslog, you get to tell the world tomorrow then - I hope Noah's superman outfit is all ready?? Haha! Xx
U no what i dnt even know where it is lmao!
Its the next all in one swimming costume with superman on the front lol. Thought id make use.
But now im wondering if its in the attic in a suitcase with all the summer stuff!! Hope not!!

Going to make the photo tonight and collage the scan on the sode of pic tomorrow (i have to go bk to work afterwards boo) but ill also take a photo of him tomorrow at my mums with scan in hand :)

' Every Superhero Needs A Sidekick - Arriving May 2016 ' wooop! Lol xx
Exciting babyslog!!! Got mine on Friday, ill br 12+2, can't wait to finally tell everyone!!
Can't wait to hear all about it tomorrow :-) what an exciting way to announce! My oh wants to do something along the lines of 'player 2 loading' like whatshisname from McFly did!
How is everyone else announcing? Xxx

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