*****May 2016 Mummies*****

My friend came back bery high risk for downs fron the bloods, worried so much so had the amnio test which i no is high risk of mc then!
Baby had nothing!
I just see them as added pointless stress.
I know its a personal choice tho xx
Great news Sarah x

I am 9 weeks today and have my booking in appointment tomorrow. It seemed ages away when I booked it but been so busy its flown by. Really hope I get a scan date sorted tomorrow as well, I need to have milestones because my mind plays tricks if its left to drift. I am sooo tired and painfully bloated its untrue, just got back from my sons first school disco, he had great fun but it was exhausting keeping up with him, grateful for the morning off work tomorrow for this appt.

Was thinking, as there's so many of us, if it'd be worth having a separate thread to keep track of everyone's dating scan dates and all pics could be put on there too and it would help us remember who to wish luck to and when. What do you think?
Hi ladies

For the last week I keep getting very tiny amounts of beige/tan type cm, it comes and goes

Is this ok?

I am terrified of another mc and every time I see it I panic and it gets me down..

I have a scan on Tuesday and it can't come soon enough!

I still have pregnancy symptoms it's just this discharge that scares me!

Lou x
Hi Lou,

I've had lots of extra cm the past few weeks, quite snot like too (tmi). There is another thread on the board by Lottie who is having similar experiences. I would say if its tan/beige and it is because of blood, then it will be old blood. But ultimately if it carries on and you're worried then there's no harm in talking to your doc/mw about it.
Speak to your midwife/dr about it Lou. If it's so little it's just tinging the CM then I reckon probably nothing to worry about at all. Your cervix will be extra sensitive and I know I had small bits of blood around this stage in my first pregnancy (I'm just waiting for it to happen again this time!!). Try to enjoy being pregnant if you can and put all the bad feelings to the side, you want to be able to look back on this with fond memories :-) (I hope that doesn't come across patronising, I'm worrying about everything just as much as you are, I'm just trying to get myself to believe this too!!) xx
No not at all Hun you are right! Some days I am really good and excited then others when something alters I panic!

I just need to have my scan and then I will be much better, I will wait until scan and then mention it

Thank you xx it's only when I wipe and its tiny amounts and not always there, if I stopped looking I would know nothing about it!!! Xx
Apparently I either have sinusitis or a migraine - I've never had either before, and my face really hurts! At least it's Friday, and my boss isn't in!!! Woohoo!!!
I was offered one of them in depth scans but I said no. Didn't want to be worrying myself unnecessarily xx
Got my dating scan in the post today!! Nov 2nd!! So excited. It's in the afternoon though!xx
Had my booking in appt today, how many forms!!! Was great to feel like the ball is now rolling, at 9+1 today and its finally feeling real. Still not brave enough to put my ticker up though. I should get my dating scan appt in the post in the next 10 days, which seems ages but hoping it falls over half term as me and hubby both have that week off. We're not going for the nuchal thing because I don't want the worry. Oh, and my veins are rubbish, she had the needle in for about a minute rummaging around for the vein, but she got it in the end, I remember with my first 3 people had to have a go so this was a bit of an improvement.
So, had my 12 week scan and been bumped up a week. Now due April 26thxx
Aw gosh thats a big dump hun!!!!
R u moving over the the april mummas? Xx
That's a nice big jump in dates, the right way too!
I'm finally 8 weeks tomorrow :-) I've been stuck at 7 weeks for 2 weeks since being put back at my early scan, seems like forever!
I've got my flu jab this morning :-/ then going shopping to try and find something for a christening tomorrow to try and hide the bloat that's suddenly appeared!
What's everyone else got planned for the weekend? Xx
That's a nice big jump in dates, the right way too!
I'm finally 8 weeks tomorrow :-) I've been stuck at 7 weeks for 2 weeks since being put back at my early scan, seems like forever!
I've got my flu jab this morning :-/ then going shopping to try and find something for a christening tomorrow to try and hide the bloat that's suddenly appeared!
What's everyone else got planned for the weekend? Xx

I'm having a lazy morning then I'm gonna start packing my house up....4 days till we move and I've not even touched it yet lol x
That's come round quick! Good luck with the move :-) packing shouldn't take too long if you just shove it all in boxes, then worry about sorting it the other end lol xx
I'm having a Netflix morning whilst I sort out the kids toys...oh is at work so enjoying the last few hours il get on my own in this house x
Got my scan date through Friday 23rd !!! Little bit excited
Hi ladies

I hope u don't mind but I am going out of my mind with worry and I am away at a conference this weekend and really need some advice! I have had more brownish spotting today (had some a week ago and had beige/tan on and off all week) today I have more and it's more brown. I panicked and went to do a digi an hour ago but I had just urinated half an hour before and it was my fourth wee of the day so my urine was dilute but it said 2-3 which I got over a week ago in the afternoon with dilute urine, surely it should say 3+ now ? Even with dilute urine?? I am over 6 weeks probably 6w2 going from when I normally ovulate. Do u think I am having a miscarriage? I am so scared. I have a scan on Tuesday so I guess I will find out by then for sure but in the meantime this is so hard to cope with and I can't concentrate on anything! I still feel nauseous maybe not quite as bad as yesterday I just don't know what to think about the digi ??

Lou x
Oh Lou, I wish I had a crystal ball to set your mind at rest. It could be either way - you can't rely on a digi not saying 3+ to mean the worst, but there's no way to say for definite, from here, that it'll all be ok? I hope everything is ok. I really, really hope this is nothing. Brown blood is good blood, and there's clearly a very very small amount of it, which is also good. Try and hold out till Tuesday, we're all here to hold your hand where we can xxx

My mum accidentally let slip (not really, more that I guessed and she couldn't lie!) that my cousin is expecting his 4th.. 2 weeks before me! I'm quite excited by this news, because my cousin is awesome. I don't really know his girlfriend at all though (his other 3 are with his ex wife) so hoping this could bring us closer x

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