*****May 2016 Mummies*****

There I was thinking you'd deserted us kanga!!!

Wish I could get an early scan for £35!! Think I'd definitely do it then!! Never mind. Another 6 weeks for me to wait!
I've done this as a post too Has anyone had an elongated sac at and early scan the lady seemed convinced it was a non viable pregnancy and wants to re scan in a week going out of my mind with worry. Looking for anyone else's experience the good and the bad thanks
I haven't got any experience I'm afraid mama bear but I hope it ends up positive for you x
I've commented on your thread mamabear. Hope you're doing ok.

I'm really struggling this evening with feeling dizzy and lightheaded. I had it early on with Oscar because of low blood pressure. I ended up being sent home from work and signed off for almost two weeks but I don't remember it being this bad. It would pass within a few minutes if I just stopped and took it easy for a while. We did the food shop this afternoon which seems to have taken it out of me too. I'm now lay on the sofa while oh sorts Oscar for bed and does tea. I'm hoping it doesn't carry on this time, especially as OH is working away mom-fri at the minute, I don't know how I'm going to manage on my own all week with Oscar to look after too :-(
On the plus side, at least I'm now getting proper symptoms so something good must be happening in there :-) xxx
I'm a bit disappointed that I got 2-3 on my digi today but I have to remember I'm only 4+4wks. Will try again on Monday I think with my last one. Gutted as I got 3+ at this point with Harry, but I'm happy my lines are getting darker.

Feeling really tired today as had no chance to nap and been on the go since 4:45am! James has his birthday party at our house tomorrow so trying to get tidied and organised. It starts at 11:30am and I still have to hoover and food prep tomorrow plus tidy away some more things but I have had enough for today. May even go to bed in a min xx
Kanga i still got a 2-3 at 4+5 but the lines whenni opened up the digi compared to my 2-3 a few days before was loads diff!!!
So left it as that :) xx
Yeah I'm only going to do another one as bought a double pack. I have opened it up yet to compare the lines but I will :)

So much for going up to bed, just started setting up the table with tablecloth and plates/cups/napkins etc and sorted out the party bags with names ready to just add the cake. Balloons blown up and banners up too, now it's time for bed xx
Hello ladies, so we got our bfp today! Due date is may 31st. We already have 1 son who has just started school, he's 4yrs 1month, and I used this forum when pregnant with him, so may see some familiar faces around! nice to meet you all x
I bought a double pack, got my 2-3 at 5+2 and then wasted the other one the next morning hoping it might be darker! Idiot! But by the same logic, I got a "not pregnant" at 4+2, so I think my dates are a bit skewed!!

Hi spice!! Xx
Hey, sorry I haven't been around lately, I have been suffering big time with morning sickness and tiredness. Its so horrible and I just want it to stop, I don't think I can cope with another 4/5 weeks of it. Has anyone got any suggestions how to ease it? I've been using lemon oil to sniff and polo mints, crackers, ginger biscuits and rest...I'm sure my husband thinks I'm overreacting haha. Also I haven't ate anything healthy in about three weeks, all I can eat is junk as it makes it easier to eat and healthy foods are turning me at the moment so I'm worried that the baby isn't getting enough nutrition :( I also found when I ran out of pregnacare last week my sickness went away nearly completely and since yesterday when I started taking it again my sickness is in full force :( on a plus my gp has me in for an early scan so I'm excited about that. How are you all getting on? Has it sunk in yet that we are going to have babies? :)
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Hey sunflower, have you tried your pregnacare in the evening instead of first thing? I've heard that helps. Peppermint tea? Sea sickness bands? I think it's just a massive trial and error experiment with morning sickness :-( good luck though xx
Had a rather stressful few days, hubby's grandad had an operation to clear a blockage in one of his arteries, but while he was in surgery his lungs failed and he had to be recurs situated. It took them a while but he seems to be stable now. They've put him in blood thinner and sedated him to let his body rest. He has some permanent lung damage because of some fluid that had built up and has another non-life threatening blockage. It's all very stressful, but he seems to be on the mend a little now.

I'm on nightshift tonight, but dreading it, I'll knackered and my rhinitis is in full swing.
Yay I'm 9 weeks today but omg am I feeling it. I got on the scales today which was a massive mistake...fruit n yoghurt for breakfast as a result! And none of my clothes are fitting properly...I'm about 5lbs heavier than I was 9 before I fell pg but I'm already looking at maternity trousers for work etc, and I've ordered my maternity uniform....mixed emotions about it x
Oh Jojo I'm sorry :-( hope he continues to mend. My OHs nan fell very ill and sadly we lost her when I was in tri 1 last time. It leaves you with such a mix of emotions when your trying not to be too happy about your news, whilst trying to deal with that news.

Emmam- it's the only time in your life you get to gain with no guilt I guess!! I'm only 6 weeks (seems such a huge difference at this stage!!) but I've lost about 3-4lb since I found out - yet my clothes are getting tighter regardless! I've got a bit I could do with losing though which is why!! X
I'm really suffering recently, constantly retching. Really bad dizziness and I've fainted quite a lot, last night I blacked out and my partner brought me round. Is this normal?? I've got my first MW app on Thursday so hoping to get some answers then xx
Sounds like it could be low blood pressure Andrea? It's not normal though, make sure you do mention this. Perhaps a trip to your GP before even?
Yeah my OH wants me to see Dr before MW app. I've finally got reduced hours at work allowing for plenty of rest and day off today so resting.xx
I suffer from low BP and it sounds like that's what it is. Make sure to drink plenty of water - and I mean PLENTY! And have sure thing sugary if you're feeling a bit woozy. I always carry little bottles of panda pop.
I've just started drinking more water, so I'm really trying to drink more on my 2nd litre of water so far. How much would you recommend drinking Jojo84? Just made a stew with PLENTY of veg so looking forward to that.xx
I've got a massive urge to cry today. I've no idea why, I just feel really sad. I've run myself a bath, and it's not making me feel better - I just feel lonely and sad! I'm not even tired today! X

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