*****May 2016 Mummies*****

I cried last Friday night because...

Doctor who was on on Saturday and I was scared I didn't like it because the writing isn't the same and I want Donna back but Donna had her memory wiped and if she remembers the Doctor she will die, all her older full memories are gone or she will die, poor Donna.

Hubby was in stitches so I crid because he didn't care that donnas head could explode if she remembered

I woke up feeling crap today... All I've eaten is toast and sardine sandwich paste.

Hubby made chicken and tomato pasta for his lunch and I had to leave the room because I felt like I was going to be sick.

I escaped it last time, (nausea)
Oh dear girls! Life is tough, eh?

I told Mr boss man today. He was SO happy for me! He told me it was lovely and that family is what it's all about. Then made me promise id definitely come back! He's made me feel really good :-)

I was sick last night and this morning - couldn't help but smile as I ran to the loo!!!!

Love those lines Jenni - I keep peeing on IC and they're super dark it's amazing!!! Xx
Oh Jojo that made me laugh, sorry! I cried because I couldn't have a Chinese when I was pregnant with Oscar....well I could, but I was convinced it would be cold before we got home so got over emotional about it ��

That's good news Tigger :-) it's always such a worry telling work and not knowing what their reaction will be.

Haha I was so happy when I was nearly sick yesterday. Normally I can't stand being sick!!

I've still got loads of cheapies left, so tempting to do one everyday! Xx
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Ive gone off cakes and biscuits..
The thought and smell makes me gag.

Work are doing a mcmillian coffee morning and im guna be heaving at my desk :( lol!!!
I normally spend a bomb on cake sale days so everyone is guna be like WTF when i refuse Haha x
On the plus side i just went a bit mental on the nect VIP on mat clothes lol x
Hey, hope your all doing well!

Has anyone expirenced any spotting at all? I had some yesterday and my doctor said it's quite normal for 5 weeks but it's still really playing on my mind. Xx
Welcome kitty!!

Foxy, this pregnancy no, but last pregnancy I did (he's now a very happy healthy 2yo!). Has your Dr offered to refer you for a scan or to your epu??

Babyslog - I was going to ask how much maternity clothes everyone has/will get. I survived on minimal last time really - by the time I was big enough to need them full time, I was washing every other day so only *really* needed a few outfits hahaha!! I've been buying on eBay so far this preg - they barely get worn so I can't seem to justify loads of money for clothes to last 9 months. I'm not a big clothes buyer anyway, mind.

I woke up at 2.30am, and stayed awake until gone 3. I'm so tired now. It's ridiculous!!! Why won't you sleep when you should, body?! X
Welcome kitty!!

Foxy, this pregnancy no, but last pregnancy I did (he's now a very happy healthy 2yo!). Has your Dr offered to refer you for a scan or to your epu??

Babyslog - I was going to ask how much maternity clothes everyone has/will get. I survived on minimal last time really - by the time I was big enough to need them full time, I was washing every other day so only *really* needed a few outfits hahaha!! I've been buying on eBay so far this preg - they barely get worn so I can't seem to justify loads of money for clothes to last 9 months. I'm not a big clothes buyer anyway, mind.

I woke up at 2.30am, and stayed awake until gone 3. I'm so tired now. It's ridiculous!!! Why won't you sleep when you should, body?! X

I was the same last time.
Had 1 pair of leggins, jeggins, 2 maxi dresses & about 4-5 tops..

Ive ordered 4 tops and 4 jeans but i wont keep them all, even on sale they r not cheap!
I still have the dresses & leggings.
The dresses r to summery though, noah was a july baby so everything is in the wrong season. So want some jeans to keep warm and some jumpers ideally! X
Thanks tigger, she said at 5 weeks they wouldn't see me because they won't be able to see anything but, if it continues until I'm 6 weeks then she will send me for one the next day. She said where it's old blood and i haven't got any pain with it try not to worry but it's hard lol.

Sorry you didn't get a good nights sleep but atleast it's Friday :D x
Morning ladies :)

Fab lines yesterday Tigger, love how dark they get.

Foxy I has bleeding both my previous pregnancies at about 7wks and both times it has been fine. Sometimes you get a bit of breakthrough bleeding from your body trying to have a period, but the progesterone kicks in and says hang on a min I'm pregnant better stop that. So fingers crossed all is ok.

I feel exhausted after work this morning, can't wait for nap time. Working tomorrow morning but up at 4:45am rather than 2:45am so get a lie in. I have Sunday off but having a little party for James with 10 kids from 3.5yrs to James as the youngest at 1. So that should be fun. xx
Tigger I also buy my maternity stuff on eBay especially jeans as so expensive. I have 2 pairs of jeans, about 3 t shirts and 2 jumpers from last time. But not sure if they will fit as I'm a size smaller than I was last time. Any excuse to buy a bit more lol xx
I have my booking in appointment today. Kinda nervous for it but idk why exactly.

My maternity stuff is all the right season Yay! I'm 4 stone lighter than I was last time, but some still fit loosely. I lived in lovely comfy leggings and tunic tops/jumpers last time,
Hi I am just wanting some advice I am nearly 9 weeks pregnant with twins and have suffered 3 miscarriages in the past so I am quite worried if everything is going to be okay however I currently work as a hca within the nhs and had some time off a couple of months ago due to a miscarriage and depression and had to have an appointment with hr as I had a few other sickness periods they disregarded the miscarriage and depression but since the day I started I have felt victimised by my manager he is constantly causing me stress just because he doesn't like me so I am thinking about putting in a grievance against him but I feel so stressed with it all and it feels like there's something new to stress me about every time I'm in work and I recently had one day off for sickness and couldn't keep any food down but my manager told me I would be sent back to hr if I had anymore time off and the second stage of a capability hearing would start I just feel like I can't cope with all the stress anymore and worried about my babys health I'm scared that if I take time off for stress it could cost me my job and worried if I could actually take time off for stress sorry for long post just don't know what to do.
Thanks jessica
Thanks kanga, how long did yours last for? It's not heavy but there's more today than yesterday.

Sorry to read what your going through Jessica, surely you can't loose your job over it.
They cant fire you for pregnancy related sickness hun.
Id go to the drs and get signed off with stress and if ur manager sends u to HR explain everything to them and how he is acting towards you.

Thanks kanga, how long did yours last for? It's not heavy but there's more today than yesterday.

Sorry to read what your going through Jessica, surely you can't loose your job over it.
Just a day I think. If your worried I would ask your doctor you do repeat bloods so 2 lots 48hrs apart to check your levels are rising xx

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