*****May 2016 Mummies*****

Just dropping in to say good luck to dani for your scan tomorrow I'll be looking out for an update!! Xxx
I've just started drinking more water, so I'm really trying to drink more on my 2nd litre of water so far. How much would you recommend drinking Jojo84? Just made a stew with PLENTY of veg so looking forward to that.xx

I say at least 3l a day but remember to Space it out. Also cordial helps me drink mee water
Just dropping in to say good luck to dani for your scan tomorrow I'll be looking out for an update!! Xxx

Thanks hun!!

Its at sodding 6.15pm sorry hahaha!
So report back after tea time lol xxx
Just want to say good luck to all you ladies. I started bleeding very heavily today and passing some pretty nasty stuff, pretty sure I'm having a miscarriage. Been at a&e all day having blood taken and a ultrasound done, she said she couldn't see anything in my womb but where I'm only 5 weeks that could be the reason, got to go back on Wednesday for another one.
Again, good luck to you all xxx
Just want to say good luck to all you ladies. I started bleeding very heavily today and passing some pretty nasty stuff, pretty sure I'm having a miscarriage. Been at a&e all day having blood taken and a ultrasound done, she said she couldn't see anything in my womb but where I'm only 5 weeks that could be the reason, got to go back on Wednesday for another one.
Again, good luck to you all xxx

Omg Foxy!!
Im so so sorry your going through this hun! I pray its just an unexplained bleed and baba is ok in there :( xx
Just want to say good luck to all you ladies. I started bleeding very heavily today and passing some pretty nasty stuff, pretty sure I'm having a miscarriage. Been at a&e all day having blood taken and a ultrasound done, she said she couldn't see anything in my womb but where I'm only 5 weeks that could be the reason, got to go back on Wednesday for another one.
Again, good luck to you all xxx

So sorry to hear this. I have everything crossed for you thats its all ok in there! x
Oh Foxy :-( I'm so sorry to hear this. I really hope all turns out ok for you. We're all here if you need us. Xxx
It might be fine gun, I rber having a huge bleed when I was pregnant with my boy.
Fingers crossed for you xx
Really sorry to hear that Foxy, everything crossed that this is just a scary moment on the way to having your baby. We're all here for you, and rooting for you x
Morning ladies..I got my 3+ today!! �� I also had bloods done last Wednesday to check levels,results were hcg 834..I have repeats getting done this afternoon so hoping for a good rise! Hope everyone is keeping well xx
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I've come home from
Work so bloody angry, one of the nurses told all he day staff I was pregnant. I don't work with them- they don't need to know! So everyone knows and I'm not even 8 weeks yet. Then she told people I shouldn't be working on that unit because I was pregnant. I'm so mad! I could just rip her bloody arms and legs off! I'm
So mad! I just can't calm down! How dare she do that, it's not her news to bloody tell!
Jojo that's awful! That would really make me angry too. Is there anyone you can talk to about it? She shouldn't be sharing confidential information like that, and definitely shouldn't be airing her opinions on it either!!

I'm sat outside the hospital waiting for my physio appointment. I went to the docs last Friday, and got an apt for today. I feel bad now cos my hips really aren't that bad now so feel like I shouldn't be taking someone else's space who probably needs it more. But then I know if I don't go, I'll regret it and they'll get painful again! Aaaah I'm scared, first pregnancy related appointment!! Xx
Eurgh everyday is such a struggle feeling so unwell :( at least it's all for a good cause xx
Sorry you're feeling so unwell Kim :-( hopefully it will ease off for you soon.

Physio wasn't so bad after all, got some stretchy support bands for if my hips get any worse.

Booking apt and scan dates ha e come through :-) roll on 7th and 22nd Oct! Xx
I'm still waiting for my physiology referral from when I was pregnant. Last time lol
So I'm just back from epu..had a slight bleed this morning and pains on my left side..phoned the gp who referred me to epu. I've had bloods and a scan done,scan showed a sac and a yolk sac which she said is what's expected at this stage. I've got a repeat scan in 10 days time to hopefully see baby and a heart beat xx
Jojo, that is shocking that she's gone and told everyone you're pregnant. I would seriously consider reporting her to someone, imagine what she does with the patients' confidential information. I would be furious if it were me, did she apologise or even realise that it might have been a bit out of order of her?

That's great you've got seen Jenni, really hope you don't have any more trouble with your hips but at least you're prepared if they do.

I've had a really busy weekend, this month is full of birthdays so lots of going out and making excuses why I can't drink (fun)! This has meant today I am beyond tired, even more so than I have been, but at least the tiredness has replaced the icky feeling I've had constantly the past couple of weeks. Not long now till my booking in a week on Friday, at least with it being so busy the time will go quick!

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