*****May 2016 Mummies*****

Good news Sarahlouise, hope the pains have stopped and you're feeling better.
Just wanted to let you all know I'm still following you all. Had some spotting following my internal scan Saturday but nothing since and no pain I'm just hoping for he best and expecting the worst Friday can't some soon enough
Oh wow Jojo, I'd be very mad at that!!!

Glad it's positive SarahLouise - hope the next one is also positive!

Well this thread seems to be going v quiet! How is everyone?? Xx
Still here :)
Had work Mon/Tues. day off today and thurs (although day offs consist of cleaning & having a 2yr old hanging off you lol) xx
Day off today and tomorrow and got my first midwife app tomorrow too!! Xx
I've been on nightshift lSt few nights and o feel crap lol

I'm 8 weeks today.
I've come home from
Work so bloody angry, one of the nurses told all he day staff I was pregnant. I don't work with them- they don't need to know! So everyone knows and I'm not even 8 weeks yet. Then she told people I shouldn't be working on that unit because I was pregnant. I'm so mad! I could just rip her bloody arms and legs off! I'm
So mad! I just can't calm down! How dare she do that, it's not her news to bloody tell!

I am also a nurse, what unit do you work in? I work in medical HDU. We get a lot of patients in that I can't go near. The only people that know are the ones who allocate. It's disgraceful that someone said that you shouldn't be working there. I don't think she should be working there if that's how she treats people. No people skills whatsoever!!
I so wish work wasn't such a necessity!! When's your move date emma?? Are you all ready? I HATE moving house. We bought last year, moved in March (had to gut the place!) and I don't think I am ever moving house ever again!

Have most of you had your booking in now? I'll get mine at around 8 weeks - I'm not yet 7 so another week and a half or so to wait. Not sure why I'm so impatient!

Mentioned to my mum I'd had a look at private scans to check everything's ok (nowhere near as bad symptoms this time as with my son making me v paranoid!!) and she's said not to, if I want one, she'll get me an NHS one. But they're internal, and I don't think I'm worried enough to happily suffer the loss of dignity - would you???
I so wish work wasn't such a necessity!! When's your move date emma?? Are you all ready? I HATE moving house. We bought last year, moved in March (had to gut the place!) and I don't think I am ever moving house ever again!

Have most of you had your booking in now? I'll get mine at around 8 weeks - I'm not yet 7 so another week and a half or so to wait. Not sure why I'm so impatient!

Mentioned to my mum I'd had a look at private scans to check everything's ok (nowhere near as bad symptoms this time as with my son making me v paranoid!!) and she's said not to, if I want one, she'll get me an NHS one. But they're internal, and I don't think I'm worried enough to happily suffer the loss of dignity - would you???

Move date is 14th/15th October but got an estate agent coming tomorrow to value the house ready for my landlord selling up so having to gut everywhere ready for that which is a nightmare. Supposed to be getting the keys for the new house this afternoon to measure curtains etc but looks like their may be a delay on that.

I had my booking in last week at 8+4 and I've got my first scan 3 weeks tomorrow :)
My symptoms come and go, I start to worry then nearly puke in my car lol xx
I've had private scans as internal ones Tigger. I don't find them that bad and at the earlier weeks you see baby so much clearer as an internal rather than external. xx
I actually prefer internal they are so much clearer!!
I had 3 internals with Noah via nhs.

Ur in a low lighted room, they let u undress and get into bed and put a sheet over your waist and only quickly look to insert probe. Its not as bad as it sounds x
I've come home from
Work so bloody angry, one of the nurses told all he day staff I was pregnant. I don't work with them- they don't need to know! So everyone knows and I'm not even 8 weeks yet. Then she told people I shouldn't be working on that unit because I was pregnant. I'm so mad! I could just rip her bloody arms and legs off! I'm
So mad! I just can't calm down! How dare she do that, it's not her news to bloody tell!

I am also a nurse, what unit do you work in? I work in medical HDU. We get a lot of patients in that I can't go near. The only people that know are the ones who allocate. It's disgraceful that someone said that you shouldn't be working there. I don't think she should be working there if that's how she treats people. No people skills whatsoever!!

I work in a care home. The unit I'm on at the moment is a general nursing unit. There's 18-19 residents (although we have an occupancy for 22) and there's one carer and one nurse. I've been told I'm not allowed in our EMI unit because of challenging behaviour and I honestly find the general nursing unit easier than the NHS unit because of the layout. I Have no issues working there - in fact I think I work harder than some non-pregnant workers and have had no problems so far (the only issue I have had is that the smell of stoma bags - that really fresh smell you get that can be quite pungent - has really turned my stomach a few times, but that's it)
I so wish work wasn't such a necessity!! When's your move date emma?? Are you all ready? I HATE moving house. We bought last year, moved in March (had to gut the place!) and I don't think I am ever moving house ever again!

Have most of you had your booking in now? I'll get mine at around 8 weeks - I'm not yet 7 so another week and a half or so to wait. Not sure why I'm so impatient!

Mentioned to my mum I'd had a look at private scans to check everything's ok (nowhere near as bad symptoms this time as with my son making me v paranoid!!) and she's said not to, if I want one, she'll get me an NHS one. But they're internal, and I don't think I'm worried enough to happily suffer the loss of dignity - would you???

I've had an internal and they're totally fine. If yiu had a private scan at this point it would likely be internal anyway.

I remember having to have an internal scan probe thing put into my bellybutton at 28 weeks last time which was odd (nithing to do with this, but it was weird lol)
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I had an internal last time, which was fine because I'd had a bleed and was worried so it cancelled out if you know know what I mean? I'm just worrying over nothing this time!!!! Mind you? I'm SO tired tonight I might be in bed by 8pm! Xx
I had a few internal scans with my mmc, I was so worried about what was happening that I barely thought about it. I think if I'd knew in advance that I'd be having an internal, it might have been different! They were always as discreet as they could be and have plenty of time to change in private. Not something I'd necessarily want to repeat, but they aren't as bad as you may think, they serve their purpose lol.

I feel like I'm really showing already! I know it's just bloat, but I'm paranoid people are starting to notice. I keep pulling at my top to loosen it to try and make it less noticeable :-/ xx
Oh god Jenni I know what you mean! I was CONVINCED yesterday that someone was staring not at my tummy. I'm gonna have to pick the slightly looser tops for the next 5 weeks to keep it hidden!!!! Xx
Hi all,

I'm Tracey and due around 17th May, am currently 7+1 with my second child, my first born is now 10 years old. Found out I was expecting 2 weeks ago, total shock as I have PCOS but very happy. Just waiting for booking in appointment and a scan date.

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