*****May 2016 Mummies*****

i havent got a bump yet (only 6.5 weeks) but i remember when i was 11 weeks last time people started to notice because i popped and looked like this

edit: i have NO idea why its sideways! its not sideways on my computer


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    bump 11.jpg
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I can get away with the bloat for a while because I'm a bit fat still, haha!!! I'm still losing weight which is good.

Been in bed before 9pm last 2 nights, could've napped this afternoon but we aren't home and have slightly sore boobs (that's coming and going). I'm looking constantly for "more signs", and they're just not happening!! Me and OH keep forgetting were even pregnant again. I'm way more relaxed this time compared to last time, I just want to smooth over these worries now!!! X
I'm so tired....I don't remember it been this tiring with the other 4, plus I now have a full blown cold so feel shocking and my snoring is keepin oh awake so he's miserable aswel.
On the plus side we've been and viewed a house today and it's perfect :) :)
I'm so tired....I don't remember it been this tiring with the other 4, plus I now have a full blown cold so feel shocking and my snoring is keepin oh awake so he's miserable aswel.
On the plus side we've been and viewed a house today and it's perfect :) :)

Tiredness is just horrible isnt it!
But fab news about the house hunting!!! :)

Think we have a good few new may mummies so the front page needs another update when ur free! Xxx
All updated I think...let me know if I've forgotten anyone xx
i love the 8 week ticker picture. it looks like a sweet baby alien getting ready to rule the world.
Just come back from weekend away and the digis I bought on eBay came. Woohoo, number progression!!!! ImageUploadedByTapatalk1442778091.943433.jpg
Aah how exciting tigger!
I've got another digi sat in the cupboard, trying to fight the urge to use it! Xx
Exciting Tigger . Im doing my first digi tomorrow :)
Hurrah for digis Tigger, its lovely seeing those numbers go up, I got really nervous before doing one at 5 weeks but seeing the 3+ was a great relief, I wish the numbers went higher! Will be stalking tomorrow Kanga for your test.

That front page of due dates is amazing -28 of us, only need 3 more and then I'm sure we could organise it so someone knocks out a baby each day of the month.
Hello ladies, been stalking for a couple of days now but think it's time to introduce myself. Just finished my first cycle of ivf which has resulted in my first ever bfp! Could you put me down for 23rd please?! (Which is actually 4 days before my own birthday!) Looking forward to sharing our journeys.
Was just looking at the first page, May is going to be a busy month haha xx
Hello ladies, been stalking for a couple of days now but think it's time to introduce myself. Just finished my first cycle of ivf which has resulted in my first ever bfp! Could you put me down for 23rd please?! (Which is actually 4 days before my own birthday!) Looking forward to sharing our journeys.
Congratulations Poispinner and welcome to may mummies. My due date is 8 days before my birthday, hoping I don't go overdue lol xx
I've been wanting to go to bed since about 8pm but my boys were still running around and had to get set up for my youngests 1st birthday tomorrow :( He is getting all grown up. Off to bed before a busy day tomorrow xx
My duedate is ON my birthday lol I hope it's early or late
Finally done my first digi :) 13dpo today and AF due today, I have a 12 day lp. Not sure when to do my next digi as only have one more. xx

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