*****May 2016 Mummies*****

We were meant to be doing a chicken roast, was really looking forward to it! We ended up collecting OH's brother from hospital cos he's broken his arm. Had to drag little one out just as he was ready for bed, so he wasn't too happy with us. Just got back and put him to bed, now time to think of something for tea....probably pizza or something out the freezer!

Kanga I remember you really suffered last time round, fingers crossed it's not too bad for you this time round. Xxx
We will be having brockworst sausages from lidls in rolls. Just need to go warm them up.

Already been arguing with hubby about the practicalities of me working 7 days a week starting at 2:45am mon-fri and 4:45am sat-sun. I suffered with hyperemyesis with both pregnancies and was signed of sick from 6-15wks both times. I have to tell one boss what weekends I can do in Oct when I will be 6wks on the 6th so don't want to commit to any, but hubby wants me to continue working and won't accept I'm pregnant! Can't wait to do the digi and shove it in his face and prove him wrong! Xx

Kanga ur guna have to do one tomorrow to shut him up!!! Xx
Hi May moms, just wanted to say hello here if you have room for another one. :)

I'm hopefully due around May 15th. To summarize my current state...it's the first baby, I have a ton of questions, still feeling slightly overwhelmed, but also really excited!
Hi May moms, just wanted to say hello here if you have room for another one. :)

I'm hopefully due around May 15th. To summarize my current state...it's the first baby, I have a ton of questions, still feeling slightly overwhelmed, but also really excited!

Any questions just ask away huni xxx
Welcome to May Mummies kanga and Mrs z!

Ahhh ask all the questions Mrs z - most people are thinking them anyway!!! Xxx
We will be having brockworst sausages from lidls in rolls. Just need to go warm them up.

Already been arguing with hubby about the practicalities of me working 7 days a week starting at 2:45am mon-fri and 4:45am sat-sun. I suffered with hyperemyesis with both pregnancies and was signed of sick from 6-15wks both times. I have to tell one boss what weekends I can do in Oct when I will be 6wks on the 6th so don't want to commit to any, but hubby wants me to continue working and won't accept I'm pregnant! Can't wait to do the digi and shove it in his face and prove him wrong! Xx

Kanga ur guna have to do one tomorrow to shut him up!!! Xx

I was good and didn't do the digi today but did do another ic and superdrug test. Think he hit him a little bit last eventually when I kept on at him, I am excited to do my digi though.

What is everyone up to today? I need to go to the phone shop as new new Samsung Galaxy s6 which is just 2wks old turned off and won't come back on :( so going to see if I can get a new one xx
13 hour shift for me today don't know how I'm going to cope with them throught the pregnancy I was self employed last time lucily as I spent a lot of time in hospital with sickness. I'm really worried about t but guess I will just have to see how it goes
Im good today thanks hun!
Nauseous again but find if i eat im alright
So just had a jacket pot with tuna mayo and cheese!

Off out this afternoon down Cardiff Bay as the weather is nice with my OH and LB.

Cant wait for my private scan, not long! 9 days :) x
I love Cardiff bay - I used to visit Cardiff a lot when the point was a music venue (if you know it) I miss it. I'd move to Wales in a minute.

I had flu jab today

Feeling naff. Queasy, headache and knackered. I just want to lie in bed and eat cold custard
I love Cardiff bay - I used to visit Cardiff a lot when the point was a music venue (if you know it) I miss it. I'd move to Wales in a minute.

I had flu jab today

Feeling naff. Queasy, headache and knackered. I just want to lie in bed and eat cold custard

Aw ive been to a few things there!
I dno what it is now, im sure its still used for events etc.

I do love living in Cardiff :) x
We've been shopping down in Bicester village today, on our way home now and it's so hot!!
I haven't felt pregnant at all the last couple of days, it's starting to worry me a bit as this is how it went last time when it ended in mmc :-/ I mentioned to OH about booking an early scan, he agreed straight away which was a surprise :-) so I'll be looking into booking one this afternoon, hope it eases my mind and stops me worrying a little.
I anyone else booking or had an early scan? Xxx
I will be having an early scan Jenni, had two in my first pregnancy after my mmc and one in my second. I think they are fab and can't wait to book one up, thinking for 7-8wks so I can see a heartbeat xx
I don't know when to book it for. I want one as soon as possible, but want to make sure I see something, would be amazing to see a heartbeat. I'm 6wks today going by lmp.
I've emailed the local scan place so will just have to wait and see what availability they've got. OH working away in the week at the minute so going to be tricky getting something that suits. I'm not going on my own and don't want to tell anyone else yet until we know all is ok. Xxx
My scans booked for 7+5 on 28th sept (by my dates) the mw yesterday went by my lmp on a 28day cycle which i know is wrong as my cycle was 38-40days lol.. So by her dates ill be 9+1 on my private scan.

Ive changed my ticker to her dates for the time being but i know they will change on my dating scan x
Live slept almost all day today and still feel tired :(
That seems like a big difference in dates babyslog, but it's only a week really isn't it.
I think I'll aim for 7-8 weeks if they can fit me in :-)

I know the feeling Jojo! I've slept most of the 2hr journey home, feel like I could go straight to bed now

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