*****May 2016 Mummies*****

Yay Kanga! What did oh say? I did my last digi when I was 5+2 so I got the 3+, when would that be for you?
He just went oh! Then rolled over back to sleep! Typical bloke. Hoping it will sink in for him now though. 5+2wks will be Thursday next week! I'm going to see when I got my 3+ in my previous pregnancies xx
The best bit about digis is the total lack of interpretation required!!! Kanga I did my first last Sunday at 10dpo "not pregnant" then Tuesday I got my 1-2, now I've got my 2-3 5 days later! (If that's ANY help in making your decision!!!). Maybe next weekend?

May is a v busy month. My birthday is also May! I think there's a chance they may shift my due date forward at scan, so I'll probably be overdue again, and therefore pregnant (and grumpy!!) on my birthday! At least it's worth it eh??

Im so desperate right now to shout it all from the rooftops! We told my Inlaws Friday. Hubby asked to speak to BIL on the phone to thank him for my sons bday present, and MIL very loudly says "put him on speaker, I want to here his reaction". I muttered he wasn't telling him and FIL (who was the one still on the phone) says a few times "oh they're not telling yet, ok". If they've not guessed I'll be VERY surprised! I hope MIL doesn't confirm it if they ask directly now!!! X
I did my other digi this morning, still saying 2-3 :-/ I should be 6+2 going by lmp so surely it should be saying 3+ by now?
Jenni I was just googling about the hcg levels in clear blue tests, and have come across numerous forums saying that some women never get 3+, and that they're quite unreliable in that sense. Try not to panic. Did you do it with FMU? Had you been up to pee a lot in the night? Xx
I never got a 3+ with words
But i kept all my tests and even though got 2 (2-3) on tests the lines said it all so i stopped worrying..

Here are my 3 digis opened up and even tho the last was still 2-3 u can see how much darker it is xx

My frer says it all too!
And this was 5 wks exactly with 3 digi progression xx
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so glad you posted this im still testing daily with cheapie tests and they are really getting much darker there are 2 lines 100% but not 2 exactly the same colour (i know that doesnt matter) so I was starting to panic but seeing your line on the frer has put my mind at ease a bit
so glad you posted this im still testing daily with cheapie tests and they are really getting much darker there are 2 lines 100% but not 2 exactly the same colour (i know that doesnt matter) so I was starting to panic but seeing your line on the frer has put my mind at ease a bit

Hun the cheapies took sooooo long to get as dark as control line.
Considering they are the most sensitive they are fairly crap!

Honestly dont worry :)
Your pregnant and itll be a healthy 9months xx
Jenni I was just googling about the hcg levels in clear blue tests, and have come across numerous forums saying that some women never get 3+, and that they're quite unreliable in that sense. Try not to panic. Did you do it with FMU? Had you been up to pee a lot in the night? Xx

That's reassuring to know :-) hopefully I'm just one of those who never get the 3+ and are very lucky to not have many symptoms.....I just can't help worrying after the mmc.
It was fmu but I had been up in the night, so I guess it may not have been so strong.

I'm going to give the local scan place a call to see if I can get something later in the week.

so glad you posted this im still testing daily with cheapie tests and they are really getting much darker there are 2 lines 100% but not 2 exactly the same colour (i know that doesnt matter) so I was starting to panic but seeing your line on the frer has put my mind at ease a bit

Hun the cheapies took sooooo long to get as dark as control line.
Considering they are the most sensitive they are fairly crap!

Honestly dont worry :)
Your pregnant and itll be a healthy 9months xx

Thank you so much it's not my first but totally hasn't sunk it we were ttc but I just don't believe it yet we have booked an early scan for Friday when we are both off work hopefully that will help it become real xx
Thank you so much it's not my first but totally hasn't sunk it we were ttc but I just don't believe it yet we have booked an early scan for Friday when we are both off work hopefully that will help it become real xx

I feel the same way - can't really believe we're having a baby, almost to the point where I forget...until the nausea kicks in. :shock:

I'm also having a scan on the weekend (so excited...and worried) - hope yours goes well and you'll feel better!
Hope the scans go well girlys!

Ours in Monday. I cant wait to have a better idea of dates and to hopefully see a HB xx
Hope you've all had a good Monday :-)
I rang, emailed or messaged all the scan places I could think of this morning, finally managed to get one for next Friday :-) I could have got one sooner if my oh was home during the week. I tried ringing him to see if he'd be able to come back a bit earlier so we get can scanned quicker, but he's in a really bad signal area (or so he tells me lol!) so didn't get my calls until this evening. Just got to try and keep myself busy and keep thinking positive and that everything will be ok
Mum swears I have a bloat going on

What you think?


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Had a busy day with my family for James' birthday and I am ready for bed! Going to phone my doctors tomorrow and make the pregnancy all official. Excited for all the early scans coming up and slightly jealous! Downside to being due the 31st is some of you are nearly 4wks ahead of me! I'm not sure when to have my private scan yet either, but I'm sure it will make it all that more real xx
Hope you all had a lovely day for James' birthday Kanga :-) they grow up far too quick don't they?!

Just looked at the calendar, I booked the scan for 9th October thinking it was next Friday, it's not until the week after �� so I'm going to cancel that one as I've found somewhere that can do it next weekend, and for half the price, bonus!. Still seems ages away but hoping it will come around quick if I keep busy. Xx
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I'm quite jealous of all your early scans! We only have 1 place local (I live in the back of beyond) and its £70 which just feels way too much! Hopefully the time will fly by hearing about everyone else's lovely scans etc :-) has anyone had any major symptoms kick in yet? I'm currently sore boobs and manageable tiredness, desperately hoping the morning sickness stays away, hated that last time!!!
We did had a lovely day Jenni, they do grow so quick. I have no idea where the year went! We went to a soft play as it rained most of the day, but the boys had fun so that's good.

Tigger I will be paying £65 for my early scan, I need the reassurance all is ok. Not really sure I have many symptoms yet, getting a bit nauseous and feel tired but ok really. I'm hoping the sickness stays away too as need to be able to work, was signed off from 6wks in both previous pregnancies so fully expecting it :( xx
I came in from nightshift with orange lucozade for Mrs Pregnant Wife.

Cup of tea and a toasted bagel made and delivered to her. I made the mistake of having a chuckle at the sight of her, instead of a thanks baby i got.......

"Dont laugh at me prick"

This pregnancy malarkey is tough.
Hahaha H4L long road ahead im afraid lol.

I fancy a bagel now!!! And i dont have any. Damn!

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