Maternity Pay & Leave


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2006
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Hi Girls

Any of you girls out there in the same position as me? I'm a full time working girl and I'm due on the 30th January 2007. Just informed my immediate boss that I will be working right up to that date (unless little baby decides otherwise) so I get 6 weeks maternity leave at 90% of my full pay.

After that I get 20 weeks at the Standard Matenity Pay which is £102.00! This won't even cover my mortgage!!

Lucky that I have OH working too, but even so it's going to be a real shock dropping from two incomes to practically one. We don't have an extravagent lifestyle and I'm lucky in lots of ways because I get to keep the company car for my maternity leave (although I do get taxed on it!!!)

Looking at the sums who does ANYONE ever afford to feed and clothe a baby AND pay all the bills!?!?!?!

I'm getting really anxious about it.
thats wrong.

if you've been working for your emplyer for 26 weeks before you give birth you should get full pay for 26 weeks.

phone the citizens advice beureau (sp)
Thanks Budge

That's what I thought but I think it rather depends on your employer. I've checked a few websites and they all say the same.

I'll wait until I get confirmation in writing from my employer about how much I actually get (they have to do this as per my contract). It'll say "you will received £xxx from this date to that date" then "you will receive £xxx for 20 weeks following"........

Once I get this in writing I'll run it past citizens' advice.

I know we'll be OK in the end, but with babies being so expensive it's a wonder anyone ever has them!!
if you've been working for your emplyer for 26 weeks before you give birth you should get full pay for 26 weeks.

I disagree Budge :( The standard allowance is 90% of your wages for 6 weeks then maternity allowance for 20 weeks. Some employers do pay more, but they don't have to, plus if you didn't go back afterwards and they had paid more you'd be liable to pay it back.

The current situation does suck. Unfortunately we just had to look at our budget and cut things down to a minimum, you might be surprised at how much you do spend on those little extras, I certainly was.
Hmm, that doesn't sound right Shaw. With my employer i can take upto 52 weeks leave. First 6 weeks i get 90% of my salary, following 20 i get SMP. The 2nd 6 months i don't get sweet FA!!
Its soooo complicated this maternity pay stuff!! I gotta claim for maternity allowance, I was one week off getting SMP
Nothings ever simple! Suppose this is the simple bit just now, just wait until the little beans arre here, then the fun begins!

It is 6 weeks at 90% and 20 weeks at £108.75. You have to have worked at the company for at leat 26 weeks by the time you are 25 weeks pregnant. If you have been there for longer you are normally entitled to extended leave of 1 year in total but the remaining 26 weeks are unpaid. I do payroll so this should be right.

You could always claim working tax credits if you are on a low income.

Hannah X
Yep, OH will be claiming for that once Bubs makes an appearance!
Yep thats exactly what I get. Cant you also claim Housing Benefit and Child Benefit as well whilst on Maternity leave? - I know you definately can if you are single..... Also your OH should be able to claim tax credits so you can get quite a bit of moolah when you claim everything. :dance:
Thats all that I get as well................ it is the minimum that you are entitled to. I too am worried about how I will manage, Hubby and I are on a good wage at the min and so are not entitiled to anything from the government.... I know I will get child benefit and tax credits but it won't be much and it certainly won't cover our mortgage........we are trying to have a trial run this month and live off hubbys wage only but it is a real struggle, and we have been slamming loads into a savings account.

We have got loads of stuff given to us so we don't have to go out and buy too many expensive items but I am very worried about the 6 months when I am only going to get £102!!!!!!!!!!

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