Maternity pay shock.

Sami said:
Regards to earnings and tax credits, if this years earninghs is expected toi be less than last years then tell them that Lyndsey. We have to ammend ours if anything changes at all, like our income, our rent beneifit, when damien got disability allowance for his breathing and stuff, its all accounted as it is today, not last years.

If I'd of used the last years earning when we originally worked ours out, we would have got barely anything, but because I hadn't worked much of the current tax year (that we applied in) we stated that and of course we were entitled to more money.

Hope that helps a bit guys. I know its daunting being faced with the less money, but it does work out in the end. x

Do you count Mat pay thought?

For example, bubs due just after new tax year 2007, in that tax year I will be earning just less than 1/2 my earnings of this tax year if SMP is not included and just over 1/2 my earnings if SMP is included OR do they base it on what you WOULD get if you were working the whole time?

Its so confusing when you have never looked in to it before!
Lyndsey said:
but because they base the tax credits on last years earnings we get nothing...... I will be looking forward to the family allowance!!!! At least thats something.........


they base the tax credits on the current year so at the moment I have submitted the figures I expect to earn for tax year 06-07. When I first started tax credits I thought it was the last year and it was a year later before we worked out we had made a mistake but because it was all on my p60 we got a big lump sum back. Jointly though we dont even make 22500 so you might not get as much.
lauramumof2 said:
they base the tax credits on the current year so at the moment I have submitted the figures I expect to earn for tax year 06-07. When I first started tax credits I thought it was the last year and it was a year later before we worked out we had made a mistake but because it was all on my p60 we got a big lump sum back. Jointly though we dont even make 22500 so you might not get as much.

So did you submit what you would expect to earn if you were working properly or what you would expect to earn with 1/2 years wage and 6month SMP or what?

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