maternity leave???


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2005
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when are you all starting your maternity leave? i sorted mine out yesterday in work im working till 25 weeks then taking 4 weeks hols then starting mat leave at 29 weeks not sure i would be able to work much longer than 25 weeks i worked till 38 weeks on 1st and 34 weeks on 2nd and 3rd but i dont think with twins im going to be able to :( my consultant has told me def no work after 28 weeks so only 11 more weeks and i wont have to go for a whole year :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: xxxxxxxx
wow wish i was that lucky. I am working until middle to end of november i am due 13th of december
I'm going to try and work until around 36 weeks. Which will give me a couple of weeks before I have to leave my home and go to an area with a hospital that will accept first time Mothers. I live in a very remote area.

I may still have a couple of weeks annual leave that may mean I can leave at 34 weeks but I'll see nearer the time.
Last time i worked until 20th July and DD was born on 10th August. This time i'll be working until December 19th and LO due Jan 1st.
I'm working til 34 weeks this time, I actually went into labour at work with my 1st :shock: I stayed at work til my due date with her as I wanted longer off after she was born. Never again!!
I'm due on 29th Oct & I'm hoping take 2 weeks annual leave starting 10th Oct so officially start my maternity leave on 27th Oct. Health permitting of course :D
wow Rach - lucky you. Since I am due on 30/12 I am hoping to work until end of November.. not sure I will manage but that's the plan..
I'm working til Sept :D My last day is actually 29th August...then I've booked 10days holiday (we don't work weekends so I get these free :lol: ) and my maternity offically starts on 15th Sept.

I get 6months off as standard and can apply for up to 1year off as long as I have reasons. 9 months is paid but the last 3 months wouldn't be.
I'm starting my maternity leave on my due date but taking 3 weeks holiday before that so I'll be 37 weeks. I only do 2 days a week in my BIL's office which is 5 mins walk from my house, so to be honest it's easier than being at home with a VERY energetic toddler!

I usually work as a Swimming Teacher on a Saturday morning but I'm having to drop all my beginners classes next term because I have to be in the water with the kids and it's too dangerous because I could be kicked. I'm still going to be doing my watertots classes though because the parents are in the water with the babies so I don't have any direct contact with them.
**think i'm finish on Oct 17th** due November 3rd..

So not long, do you think i should take it earlier as its my first?
or will i be ok? xx
noor_usman said:
9 months is paid but the last 3 months wouldn't be.

I wanna work where you do! I only get 6 weeks paid and the SMP! I will probably work as late as possible. The hospital on Friday said ladies are usually best working 4-6 weeks before baby is due. I was aiming for 2 weeks but dont think i will now.

Claire x
It's quite good actually. I don't actually get the full 9months from work...but I get 15 weeks at full pay including any company bonuses and then I think it's onto the government rate for the remaining months :)
I've decided to startmy maternity leave on the 8th December, the baby is due on the 27th December. With my daughter I planned on working right up until my due date, but my consultant strongly advised me to finish earlier, so I finished at 37 weeks and I didn't realise until I finished work how much I needed that rest. It was a wise move as everything changes once your baby arrives and there isn't much resting!
I think I'm going to finish at the beginning of November. I'm due 2nd December and have 2 weeks of holidays left so might take them, then 2 weeks of maternity.

Can't wait to be off work for 9 months. :dance: I wish I could take a year but I only get full pay for 6 months and am saving a bit so I can cope with SMP during the extra 3 months. Wouldn't get anything for the remainder so :(

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