Maternity Leave


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2010
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I have just confimred my maternity leave with work :dance:

My last day in the office is Christmas Eve but I am on annual leave until 30th January then my maternity leave starts and I am off for the whole year :dance::dance::dance:

whats everyone else doing?
I go off on 22 jan and have to be back end of november- they don't pay us for a full year :-(
I finish up on Jan 14th, although taking 2 weeks holiday so mat leave doesn't start until the end of Jan aswell. Taking the full year off, i only get paid for 9 months aswell so we are going to survive on hubbys wage for the last 3 months to give me the full year with the little one. When you actually cost it against the price of childcare, your cheaper doing it that way!

So i've got a full month off before little one is due, don't tknow if that's a good thing or not lol!
I only get paid for 9months too but im will struggling through it!

I cant wait to have my holiday off before baby arrives i have so much I need to get done, plus it will be a relief not to have travel for 3hrs a day to and from work! lol
That's a long commute! I think i am looking forward to the time off but don't want too much time to think about labour lol! I'm pretty organised at the moment with the nursery and stuff, pretty much all done. The one thing i'm glad of though is no doubt the weather will be awful in Jan/Feb so i won't have to waddle about in the snow and ice!
yes it is an hour and half each way train and tube, which is fine when your not pregnant but not very nice at the moment!

oh my your way ahead of me we havent done anything with the nursery yet and I have only bought a pushchair
I'm leaving at the end of Jan too but I'm going back the second week of July:-( because I'm a teacher that means I'll work for two weeks and then get the 6 weeks off with full pay so I won't go back properly until September. Unfortunately I earn the most in our house so the hit on my wages really effects us and the maternity pay is really bad - I only get full pay for 4 weeks! I wish I was taking longer though and I'm determined to save like mad so I can take longer with my second (if we are lucky enough to be blessed the second time).
I'm leaving at the end of Jan too but I'm going back the second week of July:-( because I'm a teacher that means I'll work for two weeks and then get the 6 weeks off with full pay so I won't go back properly until September. Unfortunately I earn the most in our house so the hit on my wages really effects us and the maternity pay is really bad - I only get full pay for 4 weeks! I wish I was taking longer though and I'm determined to save like mad so I can take longer with my second (if we are lucky enough to be blessed the second time).

can your OH not take the leave instead?
i have saved all my holiday this year so far so will take 4 weeks holiday and then 39 weeks paid leave. Officially starts on 28th March. But i am off from the 28th February! xx All to be confirmed by paperwork but work ahve already oked it verbally.
I'm self-employed so will only get the equivalent of statutory maternity pay (in the form of maternity allowance) so my plan is to have six months off. I'm working as long as poss. I'm due on 2nd May and at the moment the plan is to work until Easter (Good Friday is 22nd April) if at all possible then booked off for all of May, June, July, August, September and October and due back at work on 7th November! Will see how it goes xx

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