March angel babies Xxxxxxxxxxxxx


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2011
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I know a few of us have march angel babies, just a quick note to say that I think about it everyday. I still have a card saying Congrats on your pregnancy so I keep it in a frame behind the photo of my late nanna :)

Today was my 'due date' and I know I have so much to be grateful for but I will always always love my little march angel xxxx
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Thinking of you hun. My dates coming up soon too next month so know how you're feeling xxxx

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Aww hugs hunny :hugs: ur due date is hard even with having so much to look forward too. I found that once my due date had passed, I felt as though I could let go a little bit more. I still think about what could have been if my first angel was here, I was even crying about it yesterday, but I do feel more at peace with everything now xxx
Bless you Sunbeam,

I know Lynette's due date is coming up so I am sure she'll pop on later.

My first DD was in early January and in a way it was kind of liberating if that makes sense. I was dreading it so much, I was upset as I still hadn't manage to begin a viable pregnancy etc...

Yet when the date arrive OH and I cracked open a bottle of Prosecco and had a toast. I just felt a huge sense of relief to get to that date and actually feel OK?

My other miscarriages were much earlier and I have decided that I am not going to mark those dates. I miss all my little angel babies but I also accept it wasn't their time and I am so tired of being sad about what I have lost.... It is condusive to be positive and happy

I hope and pray my angel's are out there somewhere together looking after each other and watching over me and this little bean.

Lots of love for your due date hun, I hope it isn't too bad

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Although just typing what I have has made me cry my eyes out.....

Sometimes I forget just how much we went through last year.

It never truly goes away I guess

:hugs: carnat. Ur angels will always be with u, it is something that will be part of u forever :hugs: xxxx
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I know hun,

I guess I re-read what I wrote and it sounded so blase and it upset me.

At the time I didn't think I'd ever get over what happened and then it happend again and then again???

I sounded so cold saying I won't mark the other DD's? But I truly don't want to 'mark them', I'll never forget BUT I am choosing to remember in a positive way and that is by being calm, and happy and at peace

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I think unfortunately for u there comes a point where u can't just keep marking all the dates, or u would be at it all the time! I don't think u sound cold about saying that, but even if ur not marking them as such with a toast and a drink u with be thinking of ur angels on their due date.

Staying calm, happy and at peace is the best for u to do. Having gone through it only the once, seemed hard enough to do but ur have stayed so strong having it happen again and again. Although I know if it happened to me again I know I would keep on trying for my sticky bean! I think u are doing amazingly well at staying calm with ur new pregnancy and I have every hope that all is well. Can't wait til u get to have a scan and see ur lil bean :hugs: xxx
:hug: it didn't sound blasé to me, you sound like someone coping with hard year in the most constructive way. Yes we'll remember but we can't leave too much of ourselves with our angels that never made it, or we'll never look forward :hug:
Carnat bless :hugs: I don't mark my other mc not because I don't care either but like you said you can't mark them all and I think this one is still so fresh, even though time had flown by really xx

I know that if it wasn't for my mc I wouldn't get to meet our little person in Oct so I know it wasn't meant to be but it doesn't stop me from still feeling a little sad from time to time. March is a strange month for me, I mc'd 11 weeks was due the 11th and I'm 11 weeks tomorrow......strange.

But I got my Doppler out today and heard LO with OH this little one will be fine :) that reassurance helps even though I can't control anything that happens.

Thank you for your posts it's nice to talk about it xxx
Hi Sunbeam,
Just wanted to send some hugs for your due date for your little March angel.
So pleased all is going well for your October baby. xxx

Hi Carnat,
Just noticed that you also have had a BFP - so massive congratulations to you.
Really hope this is your super sticky and all goes well.

My due date is next month, starting clomid this month , so really hope I get my BFP in April. xxx

We will never ever forget our little angels, just get stronger and dealing with it all , the due date of first angel really hit me hard, Im hoping I am stronger this time, so I will remember the date, feel a pang in my heart for what would of been, but look forward to what could be in optimism. xx much love girls. xxxxxx
Thanks ladies,

I am not religious but I am great believer in timing and I know 'all roads lead us us to where we are meant to be' - I know that in a way I was lucky to have my losses early and not get to the heartbreaking stage of finding out during 12 week scan (or beyond??)

I know that my body did what it had to do and I know that if this bean is meant to be it will be.

I know that a life spent looking backwards is no life at all.

I do of course feel sad that my body and heart had to endure so much misery and pain but I also believe you need the darkness to appreciate the light.

Even after m/c # 3 I didn't break down and stop functioning, in fact it galvinised me to be as happy and as healthy and as positive as I could possiby be

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thats exactly how I feel Carnat, im so much healthier now, and exercise reg etc, just trying to make my body fitter and stronger to cope with a pregnancy xxxx
I just read your post in LTTC (I feel bad posting in there now :shock:) and you def sound like you are on the right track.

I so hope this month is your month.

This is exactly what I mean hun, you got your results and instead of 'giving up' you have taken lots of positive steps. Well done you!

Also I see you are a massage therapist!! Lovely :lol:

I'm new to this guys and, but for the grace of god, have not been in ur situation but have just been trawling the forum and saw this thread. Just wanted to say I think you are all very beautiful and brave and my heart goes out to u all. Best of luck to u all now and in the future x
Thanks , lovely post Sunbeam X

I had only just realised tonight that it was my MMC date tomorow (2 years ago now), I actually feel really bad that I hadn't notticed it was coming round. My daughters birthday is today, and we have just had cake, and that reminded me , I was waiting for my D&C the next morning on the day and so my mum brought a cake that year to save me having to make one, I started to MC natuarlly at midnight, so I count it as the 12th, esp as I went on to need the D&C anyway on the 12th, and didn''t want to add any sadness to my daughters birthday but remember it as a seperate day in it's own right.

I shall make the time to go and tidy my little border in the garden around my special rose (brought for my Angel baby and planted on my due date (thats when it flowers) - its called sweet rememberance, and in the summer I always plant forget me knots underneath it.

Sad , but actually quite lovely to do something to remember the day, I could never forget

Thinking of all you March MC or due date ladies X
JJ that must have been so hard for you :hugs: Having it a different day too is a good thing otherwise it would always be at the back of your mind then xx Sweet Rememberance sounds Like a lovely idea it's special to you.

I think I might something to mark it in the garden, at least Oh and I will know why xxxxxx
JJ that's lovely what you have done and the rose sounds so beautiful. Could you put up a photo?

We are going to plant two apple trees in the Garden the day our first Angel was due. I was worried at first that we may never get apples on it because not many people have them in our area and you need two for pollination. Then we lost our second one so we'll be planting one for him too on the same day.
only just seen this, my due date is tomorrow :-( i dont know how i feel about it, mostly positive as its like i can finally let go after 6 months of always feeling that flutter in my stomach when i think about my baby.

I was 14 weeks when i lost my angel and have always felt like he/she is still there, maybe this is going to be good for me, the due date will be the day my child finally goes to heaven i think :-(

goodness i am quite upset writing this

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