Mammy or Mummy??


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2007
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I am a Mummy, nothing else, but since moving to Wales I have found when my girls bring homemade cards home for me from school the Teacher has put Mammy in instead of Mummy :rotfl: :rotfl: Ok I adore the cards but hate the word Mammy for me!!!

My mad over due preg woman hormones are running riot today, but getting a card with Mammy in just made me want to stamp my feet and demand im a Mummy :rotfl: :rotfl: :lol:
I voted Mummy

DS calls me Mum most of the time occasionally he calls me Mam. I say Mam though to my Mother :D
Alana calls me Ummy, so im sure it will rub off on LO
Mummy for me.

My Mum was from Glasgow so she called her Mum "Ma" but I'm only half Scottish so it's Mummy :D
Mummy all the way for me :)
(especially as I was called 'DaDa' until 3 months ago!)
We live in the North East and Mammy is the norm, but I am a southerner and will be Mummy.
I am from the north east, Jamie calls me mammy, so will be mammy again :D
Mummy here. My OH (who's Dutch) went to an international high school and spoke (American) English there. He's finally got out of the habit of saying "mommy", thank goodness. Now to try and get him to stop saying "diapers"...
Up north it's all mam and mammy but since I come from down south I prefer Mum or mummy.
daftscotslass said:
Mummy here. My OH (who's Dutch) went to an international high school and spoke (American) English there. He's finally got out of the habit of saying "mommy", thank goodness. Now to try and get him to stop saying "diapers"...

my OH randomly says diapers, when hes a bradford boy!!! he also calls horses gee-gees and says he'll teach it to Anjali too, just to wind me up cos he knows i cant stand the use of americanisms!!!!
MAMMY :cheer:
I'll hopfully be a Mammy to my boy when he's born as im Northern and that's how we say it
My Mam is Mam
my Mams Mam is Mam and so on :rotfl:
none of this Southern way of saying stuff
Of course he'll speak more Southern living down here
but i'll make sure he know's his heritage from up North

and the words that matter such as Mam and Mammy will be ones id hope Collier adopts :pray:

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