Male factor infertility - my tests normal - anyone else?

Hi everyone sorry I've not been back on for a while. My partner and I had another fertility appointment recently and we found out that his genetic testing for cystic fibrosis came back negative, so that's great news. His chromosome testing hasn't came back yet but the doctor assured us that he's pretty sure that will be all normal too.

Claire36 I hope your partners second semen analysis was better and that your appointment went well.

HopeSIN I'm sorry to hear that you've been through a stillbirth, I can't even imagine how awful that must have been. Are you in the UK? We didn't get offered an IUI, we've just been told to go straight to IVF.
I thought I'd write on this thread as it's the only one I've really written on! Today I received a phone call from the fertility clinic. I've got an appointment on 28th for blood tests and a chat with a consultant. It looks like we'll be starting our 1st cycle of IVF in June or July which is super exciting. We've been on the waiting list for exactly 6 months so I'm really pleased things have moved quicker than the year long wait we were told.
I just posted in the WTT forum about my husbands fertility.
We don't know about sperm count at the moment as he is being seen by the endocrine specialist. He's been on Testogel therapy for a few months but it hasn't worked. His blood cortisol is really low. He's also T2 diabetic. He's 41 this year. He's about to start injections of testosterone as he doesn't have much in his blood, and this is the fuel you need to get the engine running - know what I mean.
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That's great BNS! June/July will hopefully come quickly.
Hi Poppy, hope you get the results you're hoping for with husband's tests.
Hi Poppy, hope you get the results you're hoping for with husband's tests.

He just had the 1st injection on Friday night - apparently it was very painful! It was a shot of testosterone in his butt cheek and he said it was one of the most painful things he'd experienced. Hmm...

On the contrary to this, I was prescribed my Folic Acids to begin when we're ready (i.e. when the results start to show on my husband's tablets and injections in about a week or so) but at the same time I've been put on a course of statins for 2 months which means things are on hold until I get the blood results back after that.

I can't believe my luck! One thing after another. I should write a book!

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