Joint or solo doctors app.?


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2010
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My hubby has now had both of his semen analysis tests and we are waiting for news on the second lot of results, but the GP will already have them.

I've just had my cd5 and rubella blood tests today which are my last lot.

So, me and hubby are both at the stage where they will either refer us to the hospital to have more physical based diagnostics or they might just refer us right to the fertility clinic on the Nhs.

I'm just wondering whether or not to make an appointment for us both to get our results and discuss what is next together with the same doctor in the same appointment or whether to get us both separate appointments?

I'd like for them to correlate our results, but at the same time i think a one on one appointment would be more productive and clear.
go for the joint appointment hun, will speed things up hopefully!
Go for joint Hun, then you can back each other up and have different questions to ask.

Good Luck!

Ummmmmmm.... 8th Dec :)

Must be lots of sick poeple or something, normally they have a slot whenever you want but this is forever away, probbaly because we needed adouble slot for both of us at once :roll:

I also got a slot to be phoned. When i spoke to the GP we talked about me getting my tyroid checked and she agreed but i don't actually think it's being checked in all these bloods i'm having as it wasn't on the sample forms so bummer.
Hi Louise,
We always went for joint appts too - good to have moral support for each other :-)

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