Making bottles up


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2006
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4 years ago it was ok to make bottles up in advance and keep them in the fridge for 24 hours so we used to make 4 on a night and they would last for the following day.

You cant do that now though can you? So do you make them up with just water, keep them in the fridge then add the powder when you need the bottle or do you make a whole fresh bottle every time you need one?

Im so confused, I've got a week to learn everything again :shock:
i used to make the bottles up fully but i found the milk smelled a bit sour so now i make up the bottles with the boiling water and store in the cupboard and just add the powder before giving the feed and using it within 1 hour.
I was told by my Hv that i could still make the bottles up the night before for the next day :?

I hope that's right?
Keeley's been alrite with me doin it that way she's not been ill :)
I still make them up in advance too. Never had any problems before so I'm not gonna change it now. I always cool them down fast and put them straight in the fridge and make sure I use them in 24 hours.
Hi, I make mine in advance too and Kate has always been ok. The SMA tins say you can make it in advance but the NHS book says you cant. TBH I was a bit annoyed by the NHS book as it was v. biased towards breastfeeding. It makes out bottle feeding will make your baby ill and stuff - its just wrong to be so anti bottle feeding I think! I would do the water if you are worried and add powder when required. I personally think making the milk in advance is fine though.
I use Aptimal formula..I always boil kettle and sterilize bottles...after an hour I put cooled boiler water into steriized bottles then fridge them.

When Ruby is hungry,micrwave a bottle for 50 seconds, add powder, shake and feed xxxx
Becky&Willow said:
i used to make the bottles up fully but i found the milk smelled a bit sour so now i make up the bottles with the boiling water and store in the cupboard and just add the powder before giving the feed and using it within 1 hour.

i do this. rhys has his bottles at room temp, always has done
thomas has his at room temp as well, we make up the bottles with water then leave them on the side until we ned them then add powder shake and we're away.

Apparantly they don't warm the bottles at the hospital so I would see if the lo will take at room temp as it will make life a lot easier for you! MW and HV says that if you can get a baby to take at room temp you are really lucky!!

I didn't think we were allowed to put bottles in the microwave because of hot spots?
If I'm not going out anywhere I make up however many I need for 24 hours and keep them in the fridge. If I am going out for the day I take the water in the bottles and the milk seperate in a milk dispenser. I do this because water can be kept for ages out of the fridge so you save on wasting made up bottles if they don't get used within a couple of hours.
Thanks everyone, I'll probably make them up with the water, keep them to one side and add the powder when he wants feeding. Hopefully he'll take it at room temp, I agree it would make life alot easier! :)
room temp is so much eaiser no faffing about when you are out, hospital dont warm the bottles so willow doesnt know any different.

my mum and mother in law keep telling me it was unheard of to give a baby cold milk it was always warmed in my day

even though i am only storing water i still use it within 24 hours if i dont then i wash and steralise teh bottle and make fresh, water is free so no waste :)
i make the bottles in the morning as i always have with all 3 of mine & i fully make them, not adding powder at every feed, i store them in the fridge & heat them up using a jug & boiling water every time :D

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