Make a Story- whats the next line??

Flew into his mouth and made him
Gag! Once he composed himself he.....
realised that something was missing. He'd dropped his...
Tweezers. as he searched the ground the witch noticed him ouside and looked very annoyed......
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Thankfully, he found his tweezers, poked her in the eye and ran away.
As he ran, his phone started ringing, it was .............................
mr tumbel! who said "helo hello how are you"" but there was something not so special outside it was......
getting quite smelly and gooey. It was getting more and more unbearable by the minute. As he rounded a corner......
where he saw a mermaid laying on the rocks, so he ...
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"blimey you really do stink like fish. I could smell you miles off" The mermaid splahed her tail and then.......
Crab came along and snipped the net to free the trapped animals. To celebrate ...
his Birthday, So Shrek sat down and wrote a list of things he would like to recieve from his freinds - they were -
Some magic cheese, the witches couldron full of dildos and one annoying pink elephant turned into a sloth. He neatly folded up his list of presents ...
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and tucked it into his socks for safe keeping. Just then, there was a loud noise, it was.....
.....Mr Tumble falling off the waterfall and landing on......
A patch of daisys, his sudden crash frighten the butterflies away and.......

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