Madison eva Audsley

:love: she's sooo cute hun, gorgeous. Bet you can't stop looking at her xx
WOW! Look at her in your 4d scan pic! Exactly how she looks...
CONGRATULATIONS!! She is so beautiful - enjoy your little bundle xx

PS - You have now made me excited - she is so adorable xx
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Well guys thought I would finally post my birth story so here goes ........ I started to feel funny on wed 29th sept (5 days overdue) I was walking round the supermarket getting a few bits and just felt dizzy sick etc etc, I went home and started losing quite alot of plug, this carried on until the next day! Well at 1 o clock on thurs morning I started having contractions and got quite excited but felt scared all at same time was told take paracetamol. Pains got unbearable and by 7 o clock I was in immense pain so much I started to throw up :0 got to hosp for 8 was hooked up to a machine for baby's heartbeat and my contractions, given gas and air but told I was only 2 cm dialated :( so kept pressing on, tried bouncing on the ball, pacing round the room... After so many hours.. 4cm :( kept on going, had pethidine, sick everywhere, eventually I was in so much pain I was contracting really well but not dialating so about 7pm they gave me an epidural which they gad to top up 3 times coz It was all one sided!! I was getting really fed up as I could see it was going exactly the same way as lo birth which I really didn't want! Finally at 12pm fri morning they examined me and I was told "your still only 5cm" absolutely devastated I just cried and just begged them to take me for a section as I just knew in my heart I wasn't going to have this baby natrually :( x got taken to theatre and was sick ( again) finally at 12.44pm 1.1.10 little madison came out and was handed to her daddy who is absolutely besotted with her!!! We all love her to bits and she is a little star such a placid little thing xxxxx the aftercare on the pannal ward was completely shocking but hey ... That's another story for another day lol thanks for Reading xxxxx

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Aw x you did fantastically babe! Yay!!! Congratulations again x
I can't believe how similar our labours were, other than the c-section bit for me, but I had a ventouse in the end.

She is gorgeous Kelly, and I certainly recognise that smile in the photo, Freddie does that right before filling his nappy!

Aww thanks guys she's such a sweetie pie, I don't want her to grow up coz this was my last bubba, just gonna enjoy every minute x

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these are a few more from the hospital!! Her big brother just loves her to bits x
Conratulations Kel, Maddison is soo gorgous

Do you know that's amazing she looks identical to her 3D pic in your avatar, amazing!

Enjoy every minute
Aww she's so cute! I've never seen a baby that looked so much like it's scan before :love:
Oh I love your pics she is beautiful keep updating us!!
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She does this with her hand all the time!! Lol x
OMG how spooooooky!
Oh and LOVING how glam you look in your hospital piccies hun :yay:

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