
You're all going to hate me for what I'm about to say. Yes it's a tradgedy that madeline went missing, but i'm sick of hearing about her. MILLIONS of children go missing every year, yet they're lucky to get a newspaper article, and I'm sat here having Madeline shoved down my throat, on the TV, on posters, in the local newspaper, and as they're printing and advertising all this, another little girl has been abducted, some little girl somewhere is being raped as they're shouting out for madeline, some little boy has just been murdered, yet they don't get the coverage madeline has. I'm really sorry and will leave the boards if it is wished but im sick of hearing about her when so many others are going missing as well.
twitch said:
You're all going to hate me for what I'm about to say. Yes it's a tradgedy that madeline went missing, but i'm sick of hearing about her. MILLIONS of children go missing every year, yet they're lucky to get a newspaper article, and I'm sat here having Madeline shoved down my throat, on the TV, on posters, in the local newspaper, and as they're printing and advertising all this, another little girl has been abducted, some little girl somewhere is being raped as they're shouting out for madeline, some little boy has just been murdered, yet they don't get the coverage madeline has. I'm really sorry and will leave the boards if it is wished but im sick of hearing about her when so many others are going missing as well.

:think: why read about her on here then... why not just ignore the posts been made...
I thought that she might have been found, so that we can concentrate on other children at risk. :bored:
She hasnt been found, and everyone on this forum are quite concerned about her the way she was snatched.. and to hear about a break through like they have is amazing..

suggest if your that upset about it, dont read threads made for her.. wait till you hear it on the news..

and there isnt that many kids who go missing and stay missing, they are normally found after a few days weather that be alive or dead, madelines parents are going through torture not knowing whats what!

This is only the 2nd child i have heard of go missing and stay missing..
I understand Twitch's post it is very unfair that so many children go missing, are killed etc with no coverage at all I can only imagine how other parents in this position would be feel my child is just as important as her why does nobody care about MY missing child.

My heart goes out to Madeline and I pray she is well and safe it is gutting, but I am fed up with hearing about her parents going to the pope or the primeminister or whoever, I want to hear about progress being made anything of importance, I can understand the parents want to keep it in the press but people arnt going to forget if they dont see her in the paper for a day or two and that coverage could be beter used reporting another missing child or child abduction! I personally feel whoever has her will be pushed futher and futher underground by the increased publisity and will be more likely to surface and be caught when the press dies down abit!
Yes, only the 2nd, cos the others don't get such coverage. I am concerned too, just annoyed at the amount of coverage. People ignoring the fact that other children go missing too.
I Really Hope They Find Her soon!

I Cant Bare To Think what that Little Girl Is Going Through, She Must be so frightened And Confused!
It's been nearly a month now, the portugese police are worse than the uk police. :|
I think it's wonderful that the parents and the family have been able to mobilise such a huge campaign on her behalf. Not only are they helping their own cause, but they are bringing the whole issue of child abduction and peadophilia into the publics mind. This will have far reaching effects for years to come. The money and awareness raised can be used to help others in the future.

I think it should be applauded.
Actually what they are doing is pretty dumb. Causing such a fuss about it (as someone else said) Will only drive above mentioned paedophile further into hiding. He will only show his ugly mug when he thinks its safe, and with it being so well publicised it's not safe for him to emerge. If they want to catch him they need to make him think they've given up. When he thinks nobody is looking for her he will feel safe coming out. When that happens those looking for her (and keeping quiet about it) will be able to pounce on his ass and kick him to the kurb, therefore (hopefully) retreving madeline alive.
I can't really see how it's dumb to have her face recognised by a whole nation and practically a whole continent.
As somebody before said, the public are the eyes and ears of the police, so they need to be aware and on the look out for anything suspect.

Unfortunately though in this case the police have made so many errors by not informing the public, which is why the family took it upon themselves to do it, and power to them.

The sad thing is that if she is in the hands of a peadophile or a group of peadophiles, the chances are this case won't have a happy ending........
I agree, it is not dumb to have her face recognised. It IS dumb to have a continuous campaign. This will scare the person currently in possesion of Madeline into hiding therefore leaving no chance of actually finding her. Also if I were the police, i'd be searching in Thaiwan, where most children snatched are sent into sexual slavery. :think:
Oh my God that's too scary.

I read last week about the alledged sighting in Marakesh. Some Swedish woman saw a confused looking girl in pyjamas asking the lady who was with her when she could see her Mummy again. I cried when I read that. This whole case is so disturbing and it really makes you think. :cry: :cry: :cry:

Apparently 50,000 kids go missing in the USA every year......50,000!!!!!!!!
It may be disturbing to think of Madeline being used in such a disgusting way, especially for those of us who were sexually attacked whilst still children. It is the most logical thing I can think of (that won't mean much to any of you I'm a mere 18 year old) I'll bet my bottom doller that child is, or has been through Thaiwan. If the police have any intelligence at all they will search for her, or clues of her there. I'll bet they'll find a whole bunch of other missing children there too. :roll:
If you've nothing to say I'd suggest not saying anything at all. If you have a problem with me then you may pm me so that we may sort it out.
No its ok.. everyone has there views dont they, you have expressed yours... fair enough madeliene has had alot more media, but look at her, her going missing has affected EVERYONE all around the world, the reason she has so much coverage is because she has loving parents who love and want her back.. she isnt on the news as much as she was is she.. its all the familys doing, not the media...
The media attention won't help is what I'm saying, it'll make it more difficult to find her. We all know what she looks like now so stop the coverage so the filthy jerk will come out of hiding. He aint gonna show his (or her) mug whilst everybodies looking for her. I can understand why they want her face everywhere, but it's not helping it's hindering.
twitch said:
The media attention won't help is what I'm saying, it'll make it more difficult to find her. We all know what she looks like now so stop the coverage so the filthy jerk will come out of hiding. He aint gonna show his (or her) mug whilst everybodies looking for her. I can understand why they want her face everywhere, but it's not helping it's hindering.

I have to agree with this exactly....its funny cos i been out with my mum today...and we where saying the exact same thing.. whoever is responsible will not come out of hiding with all the coverage.. its only when it stops.. they'll think their safe to come out!! so yep..i agree with you!

I also think its about time the parents came back to england with the other 2 children ..they need some sort of normality ..routine if you like! The parents are saying they dont want to leave Portugal as its the last place they where with Maddy..which is understandable.. but if thats the case..why are they touring Europe... without the other 2 kids might i add!???

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