Mad or Pregnant? (or both!)


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2006
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ok heres what been happening.

I think i am on cycle day 7, and I had a 4 day period that was different. It started late in the day (usually starts when I get up in morning), there was no cramping (im usually doubled up for a day before it starts) and the bleed seemed different - smelled different (sorry tmi lol), was much lighter, and didnt "gush" on standing or peeing as it usually does. Also for 3 nights running I was woken up at about 5am with cramps that were similiar to my AF cramps but much lighter and lower down and central instead of sharp to the right of my groin.

My boobs have stayed swollen and sore and heavy instead of retunring to normal after AF, ive been getting little niggles in my abdomen and im so sooooo tired and moody.

I tested lastnight but it was BFN, though my bladder wasnt very full so it was only a small sample - impatient is my middle name lol

What do you think?? Pregnant or losing the plot lol??

EDIT - Should also add ive been having LOTS of creamy CM for the last 3 days since bleeding finished?
I soooo hope your Pg GGG... you really deserve it. We'll have a party if you are...

It certainly sounds promising your symptoms are there and your af was not normal. The only way you'll know is too keep testing, dnt forget though that some BFPs dont come until a week or so after... :pray:
I feel like bursting into tears just thinking that I could be lol :rotfl:

Im going to test again thursday morning - I figure that as its my birthday and we have a truly magical day planned, if its a BFP it will be the perfect day to get it, but if its BFN then I'll have plenty to take my mind off it and cheer me up!
rachie29 said:
I soooo hope your Pg GGG... you really deserve it. We'll have a party if you are...

It certainly sounds promising your symptoms are there and your af was not normal. The only way you'll know is too keep testing, dnt forget though that some BFPs dont come until a week or so after... :pray:
i agree with rachie there GGG - and if you are preggers we are DEFO having a party for you babe - you so deserve that BFP!!! good luck chick :pray: :hug: :hug:
I really hope so too :D You must pee on a stick tomorrow first thing and let us know asap :D
Thanks girls :hug:

I felt a bit sick when offered a bag of crisps earlier lol

Im planning on testing thursday but will probably give in and do one tomorrow :pray:
lol you dont know tho hun, might just be too early to test?? how late are you?

im not sure how much more i can take of this waiting LOL i just wanna be pregnant :x :x :x :x :x :(

sorry for the moan babes - good luck though, when will you test agian??? :pray:
Im not late, I had a was just different and not a normal AF and my boobs have stayed heavy and swollen since it finished - I suspect it is just TTC madness though, wishful thinking and all that, im prone to it :D

I'm really sorry its a BFN, :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I know what you mean with the wishful thinking :wall: :wall:

I hope your time comes soon, if fact I know it will. Just keep positive and try not to worry about it, it will happen.

Are you going to test again?

Sending you soom hugs :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Just to hopefully cheer you up a bit... I didnt get my BFP until I was 10 days late and I tested daily..... yup spent a fooking fortune!!

I really do hope you get a BFP

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