mad couple days

tracey 2

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2006
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hi all,

had an eventful couple of days and just gettin over them all, with all the beautiful weather yesterday (too cold) my door on my car had frozen shut well for a weakling like me lol.
Anyway once id managed to get in i tried to turn engine on and windscreen wipes those too were stuck like anything to the window, so i was like ahhh, my neighbour saw me and asked if he could help so he asked if i had anything to scrape my car with i handed him something and said oh use this i then reaslised iv given him my god damn credit card which is chipped now ahhhhh, so bank in morn i think.

so i was driving along and had a slight encounter with another car, but wasnt anything big it was more shock and i was shaking, so when i eventually got to work i had bad headache but felt ok, my boss wasnt convinced so i foned nhs direct who were great and i said i could stil feel movements slightly like nornmal nothing was hurting etc so went home bit earlier and found heartbeat on doppler and sat listening to it for a while.

so today felt little better came in to work and just after lunch my boss was asking how all was going where i was feeling movements etc i said not really today even though last few days been feeling it more and more i was in her car and down the hosp before you could sday anything i was like im ok dont need to go but she kept saying that even while after shock can affect you
went down to the local hosp (not my hosp) and they were ok but not the most sympathetic really reluctantly checked me out and put my on a monitor for a short while and said that i should know that movement maybe on an off at this stage and they seemed to imply that it was pointless going down there, so that annoyed me a bit they obviously hadnt read my notes well as they said well as this is yr second baby you should be used to it now i was in tears by time i left and went straight home, im not going back there again, how blooming rude can you get, sorry girls still fuming here,

ok think better stop give it a rest here and calm down lol :D
Aww sorry you've had a bad few days, glad all is well with your baby and it sounds like you have an understanding boss. As for the stupid hospital :wall:
:hug: :hug:
Which hospital was that - I will go sort them out for you!!! How dare they make you (or any pregnant lady) feel like that!

Big huggles to you from me & Arianna!!! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

You know where I am if yo uneed me
how awful hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: i'd make a complaint if i was you that was totaly out of order :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Poor you - sounds like a rough day.

At least bubba is ok, and you should just put your feet up and relax hun x
:evil: at your hospital sweety. Im glad all is ok with bubs.
What awful treatment at the hospital :evil: but I am glad that your boss is keeping a close eye on you though she sounds great. :hug: :hug: :hug:

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