mad at friend


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2008
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im still coming to terms with losing bean in june, and every month Af has come whilst ttc since has been heartbreaking, im sure u all know how i feel. anyway my friend said she wanted to try ttc around january time but she's going to stop the injection now so its out of her system by the time she wants to ttc...........

i went round the other night and she started going on about how she thnks she might be pregnant bla bla cuz of sore boobs etc and then she had the nerve to turn around and say that if she was then she was going to HAVE AN ABORTION because the timing isnt right!!!!!! shes planning on ttc in 4 months anyway so whats the big fucking deal?!?!?! shes not even using condoms!!!! is she fucking stupid or something.

i dont understand how i can be friends with someone who thinks its acceptable to have an abortion just because getting pregnant is not convenient at the moment, she said its because she didnt want to be heavily pregnant in the summer. WTF?!

having said that this is coming from the woman who thinks shes having a miscarriage just becuase shes having a heavy period.

am i being waaaay to over sensitive??? or is she a total cow???? :twisted:
She's a total cow!!! I could tell you shed loads of stories but i wouldn't wanna upset anyone! I've spoke to far too many people that think it's ok to play this kind of god with lives! One's not the right time but a few months later it is! Or people who think they miscarry every month! It's a Fucking period!!!
Not worth talking to at the mo in my opinion!
How old is she fgs? :doh:

I would think being heavily pregnant in the summer would be the ideal personally as you wouldnt need a coat that fastened and could show off a good bump in summer clothing, but maybe thats just how I think!

I think she's coming out with pretty immature insensitive nasty thoughts if you ask me Dina :hug:
She sounds like a silly bitch who isnt responsible enough, who on earth would abort a baby because tyhe timing isnt right and then going to concieve just months after that?

Irresponsible and immature and selfish!
She sounds like a total cow! there seem to too many incensitive people round these days, i remember posting about a so called friend of mine after my first miscarriage as she told me to get over myself as it was only the size of a pea!!!!! :hug: :hug:
Totally irresponsible cow!! I'd drop her like a shot, if she had an abortion simply because of timing then she's not someone I'd want to be around. And anyway if she's only just got pregnant then the baby would be due in May! that's not exactly high summer! :wall: :evil:
If she found out now she would have to be 3 -4 weeks at the earliest anyway which means she would give birth in April!!! She might find that having an abortion could affect her having children in the future but if she does do that then IT SERVES HER GOD DAMN WELL RIGHT!!! Karma. Stupid cow, id drop her like a hot brick for even saying such a thing. Shes not mature enough to respect a baby :evil:
What a weirdo!

Is she aware of all the couples out there who can't get pregnant let alone abort a baby only to concieve in a couple of months! What a selfish horrible cow. Me, Myself I couldn't have an abortion and don't judge anyone who does...Apart from this occasion, why abort something she want's in the end anyway?

Lady at family planning told me injection can take about 2 years to get out of your system so it's not highly likely she is pg, but she should be using protection anyway if she doesn't want a child yet. Condoms failed me with my daughter but I chose to carry on with the pregnancy, time wasnt right for me either but if you take risks then you have to make the time right or choose to have an abortion (BUT NOT IF YOUR PLANNING TO CONCIEVE IN 5 MONTHS TIME ANYWAY!)

Oh this has made me angry, let me at her!
What a weirdo!

Is she aware of all the couples out there who can't get pregnant let alone abort a baby only to concieve in a couple of months! What a selfish horrible cow. Me, Myself I couldn't have an abortion and don't judge anyone who does...Apart from this occasion, why abort something she want's in the end anyway?

Lady at family planning told me injection can take about 2 years to get out of your system so it's not highly likely she is pg, but she should be using protection anyway if she doesn't want a child yet. Condoms failed me with my daughter but I chose to carry on with the pregnancy, time wasnt right for me either but if you take risks then you have to make the time right or choose to have an abortion (BUT NOT IF YOUR PLANNING TO CONCIEVE IN 5 MONTHS TIME ANYWAY!)

Oh this has made me angry, let me at her! :evil:
She doesn't sound like shes a very good friend. Is she stupid or what...if only it was that easy to get pregnant in the first place, let alone saying she wants to do it in a particular month!
i hate the thought of abortion and wud never ever have 1,
there are 2 many ppl in this world whom really want a baby and cant concieve.and ppl who just throw a little life away just coz it aint conveniant, just plain selfish

ppl like this dont deserve 2 be blessed with a child in my opinion

sorry about ranting i have really strong veiws on abortion it only takes some1 2 say the word and im off lol

all u ladies take care xxxx
She sounds like a complete idiot Dina, absolutley unbelievable some people :evil:

Hugs for you Hun :hug: :hug: :hug:
I think that your friend has been insensitive to your feelings and i totally understand how hurt you must feel.

I wonder if there is an underlying problem as to why your friend feels she should have an abortion? If she was going to start ttc in the next few months i couldn't really see a problem but i wonder if her reaction could be a knee jerk reaction.

I think its important to remember that being pregnant isn't the same for every women and whilst most are over joyed, some ladies need a bit of time to adjust to the idea.

Perhaps your friends reaction is fear, i think many women who even plan a baby can have that sudden panic attack at what has happened and worry if they can be a good enough parent or can afford a baby.
Maybe she just wants a bit of attention too, you never know how people work!
Maybe she has just had a few days were she feels out of control. I would support her as a friend, chances are she needs you right now, but if she does decide to have a termination i would explain to her that you can not support her decision and feel that the friendship should end.

I hope things work out for the best and good luck in your baby making :hug:
No, you are not being over sensitive, that is bloody awful of her!

OMG, sorry but what a total cow! cannot believe someone could think like that!!! and then to actually say it to you after what you've been through (I assume she knows).. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
That is the most stupid thing I've ever heard. I can't say that I don't believe in abortion but it is absolutely WRONG when a couple aren't even using contraception in the first place! WTF? If she doesn't want to get pregnant yet they should be using condoms. Simple as.

Don't waste your time on her hon until she wakes up to herself.

Still can't believe she would even say that!

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