lying down v sitting up


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
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anyone else finding it more uncomfortable to lie down than to be sitting up?

I feel like chillin out lying in bed reading a book, but i know as soon as i lie down my stomach goes all tight :x

so i end up sitting here semi-working semi-faffing about and getting computer-madness lol :lol:

its really annoying !!
I sleep on my side now and find when I wake up in the morning the side I've been lying on is really sore. (on the side of my bump)
Finding it harder and harder to get up from a lying position too!
tell me about it- we have a mattress on the floor right now cos the bedroom in this 'luxury caravan' is too cold to go every time i get up in the night its really uncomfortable to get up and down- having to bend so far in the middle isnt fun!
It differs with me at the moment. If I feel really breathless (usually during the night) I feel better sitting up, but it's not always practical! If I feel queasy during the day I feel better laying down.
I suppose if I had to choose, I prefer to lay down :sleep:
I prefer to lie down but baby pushs her bum and back out really hard when i do which stretches my skin loads (I think this is because ive not got a huge bump so everything is tight) so it can get quite uncomfortable.
Sometimes i wake up feeling breathless too.
I find it more comfatable to be in a reclining or lying down postion especially toward the end of the day as she squashes right up against my ribs when sitting. She is so active in the evening I find myself squirming around trying to breathe properly so usually resort to going to bed early. Find that she has more room to move when i am reclining.

Just about to go have a nice bath to relax, feel like she is going to break through my skin lately :shock: , not sure how much room i have left for her in there.
Depends on waht my little monkey is up to :lol:
some days sitting up ia very squishy on my bump and feel to tight and breathing is more restricted. some days laying down in ANY position is uncomfortable

so it varies
but i preffer lying on my side with my lovely body pillow between my legs for support
all part of the fun and games of pregnancy :rotfl:
I would love to sit and relax but at the moment this LO has her bum squashed so high into my ribs that I can't sit comfortably unless I sit upright on my birthing ball- which is very good for my posture and core stability but not so good when I feel knackered!

When I lie down my bump goes really hard and it's such a hassle getting up from the sofa that usually I don't bother- I'm a bit too concerned about staying on my left hand side too and not going on my back- that's what too much reading does for you- makes you paranoid!

Oh well, hopefully if this LO comes on time there's only 3 weeks to go and then I'll lie and sit however I want! :cheer:
flowergirl thats same as mine, you lie down and BOOM hard bump!!!

i dont worry about the left side thing. Ive been sleeping on my back or right side the entire pregnancy and am told bubs is in the perfect birth position :D
I know I'm being stupid- my MW even told me not to worry how i am sleeping but once I get something in my head I'm a typical stubborn taurean! :roll:

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