lutheal phase and spotting before af


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2011
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im sure ive asked something similar before but just want to confirm.

i spot before af so do i count my lutheal days up to spotting or actual af?

does anyone know of any girls who have had their bfp with a lutheal phase of 10-12 days.

thanks girls
Not 100% but think they say that you count 1st day of your period when you have full flow and that you need a L phase of at least 10 days for baby to stick....better if its as near to 14 days as possible and you can take B6 (think thats the right one, best to check if its the right B vit) to lengthen you L phase. x
I took b6 and epo last cycle, it help reduce my spottin down to two days rather than 4-5 but it also reduced my cycle down to 27 rather than 30, was too nervous to take it again this cycle case it messed me up, I've had regular cycles since coming off pill in july but I always spot before grrrrr.

Dunno what to do now lol so confusing ye
I have a 25/26 day cycle, with a LP of 12/13 days. Apparently anything over 10 days should be fine and is considered within the normal range. And yep, LP is up to first day of full flow. x
mmmm not sure, maybe you should take it for another few month (only to OV) and as long as it doesnt make your periods less than 27 that is fine, mine was 27 last month and I count that as they same as 28. As long as you L phase is 10 or more (14 if poss) doesnt matter about your periods lengths as i think they say as long as they are between 21-45 its counted as normal....i think?!? x
Thanks girls :)

Will see how things go (really hoping for my bfp this month fx) before I start taking any vits other than my pregnacare :)
I've been spotting before my af for a while and it's so frustrating as it's sometimes hard to tell what date af has started, but I've read it's full flow, so I'm counting that day as my first cycle day.... Good luck for a bfp this month :) xx
I'm also under the understanding that you count CD1 from the first day of full flow not spotting.
Not mean to worry you but if you are spotting for a few days before AF starts it may be an idea to get your progesterone levels checked as I've read if thats low it can cause spotting.
babyg - think we are in the same boat - spotting before AF and shortish leutal phase. you have had your progesterone 21 day bloods done havent you? as long as its above 30 on 7dpo you are fine. bear in mind the whole "21day blood" name for the test is boll***s as 21 day assumes ov on day 14 - it has to be done on 7dpo ignoring what cd it is.

generally i think a short LP is from progesteron deficiency or a weak ovulation or failure of the corpus. these are all quite specific and not an exhaustive list. If you dont already get as much "proof" as you can if you are keen to be reffered to an assisted conc unit or to see a fertiltility doc as gps are reluctent until its been a few years of natural ttc. i went to my doc after 6 months of proven LP issues - spotting, short LP and quick drop in temperatres after about 6dpo indicating progesterone issue and i have been referred, i am so gratefull i started charting!

a 10-12 day LP is ok for a BFP if your temps are high (ie progesterone at the right level) and i would count day 1 of your cycle as the day you need to use a pad or tampon (not a panty liner)
Thanks for replies girls

I've had my proestrogen levels done last cycle, think it was 6dpo, had them on cd21 had pos opk on cd14 soo must have ov cd 15 they were about 43ish

Thanks for info itsbabytime, I have not done my temps this month, with my monitor and opks wizzing round my mind all day I thought I'd hold off tempting this month, mmmm wish I hadn't now!

What were u proestogen levels itsbabytime?

Soo am I right in thinking that my levels cud be ok when bloods taken but can drop a lot hence the spotting before af?


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