spotting before af and luthal phase??


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2011
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Hey girls

I hope everyone is ok, I've been trying not to log on as much these days as its been making time go slow.

Well the witch got me again......but I was kind of expecting it as I think I may have ov on CD18 as I had a really sharp pain on my right hand lower tummy this day, bf was unwell with a nasty bug which I then caught so we didn't have now bd from CD18-CD22.

Anyway what I wanted to ask was if I did ov on CD18 and I started spotting on CD26 (my cycles have been like this since off the pill-spotting for 3-5 days before AF) does this mean I have a short luthal phase (7days)because I've started to spot?

My last two cycles have been 30 day cycles with spotting 4-5 days before af soo if I am ov on CD18 and I wasn't spotting before af my luthal phase is still only 12days.
hi i am the same as you, always have spotting. a short leutal phase can be a sign of progesterone deficiency. only way to knwo for sure is to get a 21day blood test to check progesterone levels. i don;t really know much more than that sorry.
hi hun im sorry but i cant really offer any advice on this as i dont tend to spot before af, witch just comes with a vengence first day usually lol

sorry to hear she got you tho hunxxx
Hi hun sounds like you deffo have a lutal phase problem. I would try the vitamin B supplement from day 1 of period & drink green tea from day 1 of af till the day you stop bleeding, that should help to give you a longer cycle i.e longer lutal phase & will help you have a proper flow insted of spotting. Try this first & see how you get on. xx
Hey hun I've had the same since coming off the pill. Spot for 3 days at 10dpo. Had progesterone tested which was normal, had an ultrasound - normal and have tried the vit b complex which didn't work either. It's so frustrating as have no idea what's causing it x
Thanks for the info girls.

I was reading up bout low prostegen after I posted this, think ill book into gp for tests.

Do u think if I start taking pregnacare conception, epo (I was plannin on takoing these this month anywayy) and vit b that they wud affect the blood test when I have them done on my CD21 (I'm assuming this is what 21 day bloods mean)

Thanks for ur help by the way :)
How long u been ttc itsbabytime and ld1978?

Woooo 4 days until testing for both bellarina and star, any symtoms??
Hiya. Your day 21 is for progesterone yes, & the vit b am not sure if it would effect the result, dont take them till you have had the test done just incase there is a possibility then hun. Yeah 2 days to go till test day i have, but tested early today! BFN! have all the af symptoms so 98% sure i'm out this month. xx
Thanks star, ill hold off taking them till after tests :)
aww well fingers crossed you get your bfp soon. is there any other test the docs can do for you hun?
Well hubby is going to have spermies done and I will do the day 3 bloods but the next thing is to get referred. Am trying to chill out now though as been stressing way too much about it x
hey babyg, yeh had some symptoms cramps, shooting pains, back ache and ewcm (didnt know ill some of the girls told me today that that can be a symptom)

Well hubby is going to have spermies done and I will do the day 3 bloods but the next thing is to get referred. Am trying to chill out now though as been stressing way too much about it x

fx your hubby spermies tests come back ok, one less thing to worry bout, but try your best and relax hun, it may help you get your bfp, i know its hard, im starting to lose sleep worrying my body isnt working properly but all we can do is try and relax bout it all, worring aint gona get us no where.

good luck hun, ill keep my fingers and toes crossed for you xxxxx
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hey babyg, yeh had some symptoms cramps, shooting pains, back ache and ewcm (didnt know ill some of the girls told me today that that can be a symptom)


sounds promising hun :) fx crossed for you.

keep us updated :) :)

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