Luteal phase and Agnus Castus update


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2007
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Just thought I would update you

I have been taking Agnus Castus for 13 days as I OV day 19 and thus had a luteal phase of only 9 days. I saw the Dr who never got back to me :evil:

Ok I did an OV stick last night and no 2nd line. Just been to the loo and loads of white stuff on my pants (wearing black pants) sorry TMI do you think I could be OVing?

Trudyscrumptious76 hope you get sorted

Mx :hug: :hug:
I think you could be!

get bd'ing!!!!

good luck!! :hug:
saw the Dr who never got back to me

I read that really quickly and thought you said saw Dr Who. I have visions of David Tennant sorting out your LP!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

The signs sound good get BDing!
:cheer: :cheer:
Trudyscrumptious76 said:
saw the Dr who never got back to me

I read that really quickly and thought you said saw Dr Who. I have visions of David Tennant sorting out your LP!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

The signs sound good get BDing!
:cheer: :cheer:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
If I am OVing wow those Agnus Castus are fab, despite getting stuck in my throat this morning as they are they are huge.

Another question. Once I have OV do I still take the tablets?
I don't know. Sorry. Some say only 1st half of cycle others say right through. Maybe start a new thread asking that question.
sorry going to be bit dum what what are these tablet you taking?

mum2be? said:
sorry going to be bit dum what what are these tablet you taking?


My luteal phase has been 9 days so makes it very short between an egg implanting and the lining of the womb coming away. Agnus Castus is a natural herb that helps in fertility and can help realign so the luteal phase becomes 14 days allowing the egg to implant.

Hope that makes sense :hug:
Ok finally got my letter from the Dr today about my luteal phase

With 2 crossed out errors really proffesional!

She said basically that she had spoken to a Dr at the fertility Unit who responded saying "

that it would be very unusual for the phase to be 9 days and that she did not feel that this is a worrying situation. She actually (the fertility Dr) suggested that it might be a good idea not to bother with OPK and making myself more anxious. At this stage of events she suggested BDing twice a week.

However, if I am keen to investigate the situtation further then to contact my GP and they would do progesterone blood level tests to establish whether I ovulate, although it is clear from the test you have done that you are ovulating".

Right if AF shows up I going to the nice male Dr next month.

Ok Luteal update

Well tomorrow if AF shows up luteal phase hasn't changed.

From Wed last week (4DPO) I had AF cramps, lots of stabbing and yesterday (Sunday) sat with a hot water bottle most of the day. However, about 9pm the cramps stop and now I have (9DPO) dull ache with occassional stabbing on my right side- :pray: AF holds off

Loads of baby dust to you all.

oh my boobs are only mildly sore so hoping AF is going away.

I was taking only 1 Agnus Castus after OV but upped it to 2 from yesterday to hope it stopped AF.
:hug: :hug: :hug:

lots of love hun!

hope its your bfp.....

anyone have any insight into taking agnus AFTER your ov date?

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