Lucyanns Induction / Birth Story Baby Chloe-Louise Creed 9-10-11


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2011
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I did it wohooooooo:dance::dance: gave birth to my beautiful lil lady Chloe-Louise Creed on 9-10-11 (wicked birth date!!) weighing 6lb 15 :) I was 40 weeks 5 days pregnant and i was team yellow!
My story is quite long and honest about pain but every1 feels pain differently etc so hope i dont come accross negative, but i really did have a traumatic birth, although even just over a week on I have forgot alot of the pain:).

Labour & Birth-
Early morning on 8-10-11 at 1.30am i awoke to find my knickers alittle damp, so went to the loo, as soon as i came back felt damp again, at this point i was thinking it was discharge or something. Then i stood up to look out the window, as you do lol and gush trickle gush, liquid pouring out of me!! all down my legs on the black carpet and had white bits in it!

I went back to the loo put a pad on and returned to bedroom abit shocked but it was seeming like this wouldnt stop! Knocked on my mom n dads door to tell my mom and by the point was getting dull achy pains.

We rang Hosp & they wanted me in to confirm waters had gone. We got there about 3am, (after about 3 trouser changes, knicker changes too it was just seeping straight through!) Midwife confirmed it was waters and i was on the baby monitor for nearly an hour to check baby movements and heartbeat.
I said to the midwife i was feeling pain every ten mins but was bearable she assured me it would get a hell of alot worse when i was actually in labour as at this point i was not dilated and my cervix was so far back they could not reach it! (these pains must have just been tightenings lmao!) :shock: - so there and then the Midwife booked me to come back at 7pm that evening for an induction if labour had not came on naturally as could not leave longer as risk of infection would increase she advised if contractions were every5 mins come in. So we got home about 5.30am anxiously timing every pain!

The day dragged and dragged and dragged, we all didnt get back to sleep we just waited in the living room thinking it would all start quick!:shakehead: the day was so painful i think by 11am i was actually getting regular contractions down to around 1 every 6/7 mins, these absolutely killed (sorry to those who havent gave birth yet but im being honest :roll:) i was wincing in pain and i could only deal with each pain lying down i could not stand. But the contractions then went irregular i would have them every 5 mins then all of a sudden one every 12 mins, lasting up to a minute each time. So i lay on the sofa with a duvet all day.

The pain felt like someone clenching my insides tighter and tighter until i thought i would pop then fade, when you get used to the pain you find you can manage it and when you know what to expect again in a few minutes it makes it easier.

Each pain lasted a life time, i was adimant i was dying:rotfl: & by 3/4pm my dad's sense of humour started kicking in ''why you walking funny lucy and screaming in pain,? would you like one of my walking sticks?''
At the time this didnt go down well with me lol!!

Eventually at 6pm i gave up i couldnt take pain anymore & contractions were frequent but not in a regular pattern at all so rang the hosp and said can i get there now, just half hour early for induction and they said yes & i should of came in sooner feeling how i did :roll: apparently contractions can hurt alot when your waters have gone as nothing left to cushion you inside.

When i arrived i was examined, 1-2 cm dilated, cervix still back,not ready and ladies this MW felt my tummy & was like ''you do know your having a small baby'' what a BIT*H!!! you all know i had been signed off by my consultant after having millions of growth scans etc & in labour im told this.....!

So they got me to my delievery suite, very nice, fridge, kettle, ensuite fan lol! luxury. They said i would have my induction here, give birth & this room would be mine till i left. Well induction wa smeant to be at 7pm but the drip was not in me until 9pm to start things.

I was just sitting there in my vest top & shorts wincing in pain contractions every5/6mins, mom didnt see the need for them to induce me at this stage but i did that was the only thing keeping me going!

The MW who would look after me called kookie was nice, but literally left us for 2 hours to get a plan of action of induction of consultant. me & mom sorry to admit were listening & even laughing at some of the screams we could hear from other rooms, some sounded like sex noises :roll:

So things got started when they hooked a penicillin drip in one arm (as she did it i was told to look away as had done a bodge job, blood everywhere had to change bed sheets!!!) then they put that ETG monitor on me & baby again to monitor. Took bloods aswell, i still have the bruises!

Time seemed to drag but next i was hooked up to another drip with the induction drug in there, i was stil in really severe pain & had been given nothing. By 10pm my contractions hadnt really became more regular just more painfull. What was horrible was from this point till birth Chloe's heartbeat kept disapearing & was so low doctors had to keep coming in & out to assess everything this was so scary. I was also sick all through labour - evrywhere & on everyone! i was even given a anti sickness injection but still kept being sick!

When It was about 11pm finally i was allowed gas & air which was helping & as you can imagine i can remeber to many details from this point on lol!
We did hit difficulties though as when i suddely started getting a pain which took me fliiping 10mins to convince them it wasnt just a contraction & that gas n air wasnt helping! they looked and Chloe's head was severley pressing & could not get past my bladder & pelvic bone, so They had to attatch a cavitar to me :(
Not long after I had one shot of Pethadine in my leg (still bruised). They had tested my urine & was dehydrated, so another drip on me, the MW did that dodgy aswell blood everywhere (still bruised on arms too)

Finally the pains seemed constant & MW said to my Mom get a nappy & hat as we are nearly ready to push I was like OMG!!!

well feeling like an octopus with drips monitors cavitar and wires everywhere i started to push. People are right feels like you are starining for a poo! Even when they say 'dont push for a min' you really cant help it, you still push)
This whole stage from pushing to having Chloe didnt seem long.
I rememeber when MW said Chloes head was out & had to gear up to push her body this bit hurt the most but seriously she absolulty shot out! And was put in my arms I think my first words were OMG She is beautiful!

My Mom cut the cord :lol: she was a godsend all the way through, she just hated how much they interferred with labour & the pain.

Then again terror struck when MW told my mom to hit an emergenecy button & like casualty millions of docs came running in. The afterbirth or cord was attached to a vein of mine, i was told i was going to be rushed to theartre & asked if i had ever had a blood transfusion, Mom told me after that blood was everywhere.

Luckily one of the docs there & then clamped a few things & managed to rectify things without surgery. I also had to have a few stitches, i even refused gas n air for them, as that pain i could hardly feel after giving birth lol!!

So Chloe-Louise Creed was born @ 1:06am 9-10-11 6lb 15 & was in labour for approx 24hours I love her so very much more than anyone or anything in the entire world.

I have been unable to put her down hence the delay in getting my story on here.
I was driving 3 days after giving birth, I can drive but I cannot walk properly still 2 co-codamol every 4 hours doesnt ease pain much! but hopefully will go soon.

I have attached a few pics & wish you all so much good luck with you births its so joyfull holding your LO afterwards, still cant believe Chloe came from inside me!!
Thankyou to each and every lady for your support while I have been on here with problems, for advice or even to chat!

Please feel free to ad me on Facebook if anyone uses as will stil try to get on here but its alot easier to get on FB (have lots of photos on there too) at the mo as can do that off my mobile. Am only on here now o my laptop as Chloe is having a nap!



  • Chloe-Louise & Mummy.jpg
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  • Chloe-Louise Cake 15-10-2011.jpg
    Chloe-Louise Cake 15-10-2011.jpg
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Brill story, sounds like you did fab!
Huge congrats, she's beautiful x x
ah well done you x x x big congrats x x x
Congratulations, she's so cute! Sounds like you had a hard time, hope your recovering well x
Congratulations babe you done so well!!! Sounds like you had a very scary time but managed it well!!

She is a stunner!!!xxx
Congratulations! She is stunning. Best ever name choice ( my 11 year old is Chloe Louise) lol lovely end to a dramatic story x
Sounds like you did so so well! OMG I'm scared Lucy :shock: ! lol.
Seriously though she's so beautiful :) x
Sounds like you had a hard time but you did great! congratulations she's gorgeous xx
aww wow lucyann she is beautiful,ive been dyin to hear from u and stupid me didnt think to look in this part of the forum coz im so used to talkin to u in tri 3 lol.ive just read your labour thread and nearly cried,its sooo nice to hear from u.i might be gettin induced next week and im brickin it lol.pop back 4 a chat on tri 3 when u get chance hun.massive congrats on your gorgeous girl,u must be so proud.take care ange xxxx
she is beautiful and well done u cped amazing !!!! xxx
thank you everyone, time in motherhood is flying so quick! xxx

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