Hi im so sorry ur going through all this at the mo please take time and dont worry that ur not having emotions at the moment they will come when u feel ready for them, everyone is different to how they cope take care

ginger88 said:im finally starting to come to terms with loosing the baby. im finding it really hard to be around babies and toddlers at the moment and im not sure if its normal or not.
Iv finally found a new guy that actually appreciates me and has helped me through all this. Only problem is he has a 3 yr old son and i no it is gonna be really hard meeting him.
He has been really supportive though and told me to just take my time with it all.
This might sound really insensitive to alot of people but in a way this has given me the final push to block my ex out of my life forever!
thank you everybody for your kind words and support
take care everyone