Losing Weight?


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2006
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Hi all,

I cannot belive it but i am actually LOSING weight!!

I am sooo off my food i am only really having one meal a day, and thats dinner. The rest of the day i just feel a bit queasy and so not hungry. I have just forced half a bowl of shreddies down my gob before work and i feel like i've eaten a whole turkey!!

Surely this can't be healthy?? :shock:

Laura, Alfie (11 months) & Sprout (5 weeks-ish)
try not to worry hun a lot of people are like this in the 1st tri just try and make what you do eat count :hug: a bowl of cereal is far better than a piece of toast :D at least you are getting some vits and mins i ate like a pig in week 4 and 5 but now i have a job to eat anything i feel so sick but in mornings i am having a bowl of rice crispies xxxxxxxx
Ive lost about 3 pounds but my tummy looks massive! Ive had over two weeks of bad morning sickness but I am feeling better now ( :doh: why did I just write that?) :rotfl:
I lost about 1/2 stone in the first 18 weeks due to morning sickness. The doctor said that the baby is not affected by this in the beginning - it is only you that suffers. :hug:
im not sure if ive lost any weight but i am off food completly only things i can manange is a bit of fruit :D
Try not to worry! As others have said, I think a lot of women do lose weight in the first tri due to sickness etc!! :hug:

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