I might just be being a fatty, but....


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2011
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....I'm so hungry! I know I'm only 5 ish weeks, but seriously, I am hungry all the time! I had my dinner an hour ago, and already I feel like I need something else to eat!
The thing is, my belly is so bloated, I look like I have a bump even though the baby is the size of a poppy seed, so I'm trying not to eat as much, but I can't have it! My stomach is usually relatively flat (size 10) so I don't know what's going on!
Surely I shouldn't be this hungry this early on?! x x
It's completely normal honey.

I get absolutely ravenous about an hour after eating, at this point I snack on fruit and drink more water and the water helps with the sickness when that arrives :) :sick:
With you there Hun!! Eating constantly !
You baby may only be the size of a seed but your uterus is the size of an apple!!
I was like this at first - then the nausea kicked it! Enjoy it - cos I've lost half a stone in the last few weeks xx
I as like this with my first and the hunger didn't go away until 16weeks it was mad I was constantly hungry!
I haven't felt it so far this time but I'm sure it's coming
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I know - i saw the midwife last week and she said i should gain upto 5lbs in the first trimester. She wasn't overly worried, but she said if it continues she reccomends i see my GP to get something just to take the edge off. I have managed a chicken dinner last night and lasagne tonight and jus not thought about it! xx
i am so hungry as well...I even wake up during the night starving"!!!
I would enjoy it! I have no appetite whatsoever and don't feel like eating at all...

It gets worrying now though because I am supposed to be eating healthy but I cant stomach anything...x
I'm starving too - but also can't face breakfast. I just want to eat salty savoury food like tortilla chips! and I have totally gone off my morning cup of tea. Hubby wants to take me for tea and cake this afternoon but I don't really fancy it :s
I am constantly starving too, inbetween I feel nauseas and have had a lovely bout of diarrhea, but it hasn't stopped the hunger!
The past few days I have been really hungry and I have suffered from a bit of an upset stomach.
I have never eaten a lot until a few Weeks ago. I'm 10 Weeks and my partner can't get over how much I'm eating now! I get so hungry in the night. A few nights ago I got up at 3.30 in the morning and ate a cheese and onion pasty!
I would enjoy it! I have no appetite whatsoever and don't feel like eating at all...

It gets worrying now though because I am supposed to be eating healthy but I cant stomach anything...x

I know how you feel, they say you are eating for 2 but the last couple weeks i've just kinda been picking away at food and i feel bad for my baby because i'm supposed to be giving it nutrition etc :( i just dont feel like eating half the time!

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