Moved house at the weekend, way too stressful!


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2006
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Hi All,

Well we moved this weekend!

i am soo stressed. I am fed up with boxes, bills, utilities, BT, electric appliances, and DIY!

I tried not to over do it but seeing as we had to be out and have the house cleaned top to bottom by yesterday i had no choice!!

Stupid BT wind me up. Charge you 125 quid to get phones connected but can't do it for weeks! So no internet for about a month, Grrr!

And i am working extra hours these next two weeks at work cos of an audit and have sooo much to do!

Sob! Hope sprout is ok and i didn't stress too much or lift too much heavy stuff!

Must get back to busy........

Laura, Alfie & Sprout
Oh don't get me started on BT... ARGGGH!! I ;ive in a student house with my friends, and im incharge of bills and stuff, and setting up the phoneline/internet. Well.. I called BT and apparently it was all set up etc, and after 4 weeks it STILL wasnt.. i called them back and after being on hold for 2 hours and 15 minutes, on my mobile phone bill coz i had no landline to get it at a cheap rate. they just basically kept moving me around different depatments..
This carried on for 9 weeks, with them promising to send people etc and enver actually doing it - in the end i just cancelled the whole thing and went mad with them and got really upset, but now we're with Virgin!

Anyway rant over, I hope your ok after moving house, take it easy! :hug:
Rather you than me ladies!! Sorry lol but I couldnt be doing with moving right now lol! ! :hug: :hug: :hug:

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