Hi all,
I cannot belive it but i am actually LOSING weight!!
I am sooo off my food i am only really having one meal a day, and thats dinner. The rest of the day i just feel a bit queasy and so not hungry. I have just forced half a bowl of shreddies down my gob before work and i feel like i've eaten a whole turkey!!
Surely this can't be healthy??
Laura, Alfie (11 months) & Sprout (5 weeks-ish)
I cannot belive it but i am actually LOSING weight!!
I am sooo off my food i am only really having one meal a day, and thats dinner. The rest of the day i just feel a bit queasy and so not hungry. I have just forced half a bowl of shreddies down my gob before work and i feel like i've eaten a whole turkey!!
Surely this can't be healthy??

Laura, Alfie (11 months) & Sprout (5 weeks-ish)