Losing Weight


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2010
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I've not been really ill with morning sickness, although I've gone off food.

I've lost quite a bit of weight, due to not eating so much and the total lack of beer! But my tummy is a little bigger. I've a week and a half until my scan and I'm so scared that they're going to tell me something's wrong. Do you thing losing weight but tummy getting bigger is a good sign?

Sorry, I panic!!
Tummy gettin bigger is def a good sign...it's easy to lose weight in 1st tri xx
Evie in tri 2 has lost alot of weight! I'm not sure how much but her LO is fine!! x x
I lost 2 stone 3lb but have started to re gain it back now but still have another stone and a half to go to get to pre pregnancy weight - some women just loose weight when pregnant im sure baby is fine :D x x
Yeah I know people that lost weight in their first tri. I keep forgetting to weigh myself to see how things are going.
I have lost weight too but tummy doesnt seem much bigger I have scan on fri n i cant wait to know if things are ok i have worried myself silly x
I'm in tri three now and still upto pre pregnancy weight so
I'm sure everything will be great x
I've lost a few pounds over the past 2 months of being pregnant but my stomach is poking out and scans have shown everything is fine. Dont panic!
I have lost a little weight even though my tummy seems huge Kind of nice since I'm a big girl anyway. I've been eating a little less then I'm used to as my stomach can't take it so not a bad thing. xxxx
Can sympathise with this. My sister who lives in England was up at the weekend and was first she'd seen me since i announced the news, she said she'd thought i'd lost weight rather than put it on.

I too liked a beer (or three)..and i am really off food which i hate. Just try eating when you can. I'm trying to eat as much fruit as i can but it's difficult.
everything will be fine, loosing weight in pregnancy is common in tri1 especially, your baby will be growing just fine, she/he may just take the lion share of your goodness, so try to make sure you get enougth nuitrients too

I have a podge belly now, not sure it's really baby tho, got a tyre going nicely
and I still weigh 10 stone exactly , which is what I always weigh, I do normally put on a stone and a half to 2 stone in pregnancy tho
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I weighed myself this morning and have lost 7lbs. Am not too worried as my tummy is def bigger.

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