Losing it!


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2011
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As the title says I'm losing it here, Gracie has started being really fussy on the boob, it started about a week ago, she would pull off and whinge and then relatch and pull off etc, but its got really bad the last couple days, she screams, grabs at me, squirms about and refuses to feed yet is obviously hungry. I've tried winding her, different positions, pillow underneath her, taking her off leaving it a while and trying again, but to no avail.. thought it might be teething problems but she's still the same after some nelsons.. she's already on gaviscon for reflux and has no problems taking a bottle, she'll also be fine having her first feed of the day, it just seems to get worse as the day progresses. I don't know what to do or what is wrong. I'm so worried and getting so frustrated with it all! She's not as happy and smiley as she used to be either. I don't want to give up bf, I really don't! Any suggestions as to what could be up? And how I can get my happy little guzzler back? :(

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Do you go to a bf support group? Maybe your flow isn't as fast as she wants? Therefore first feed of the day is ok as you're full, but the rest of the day she has to work harder. Not really sure what you can do to resolve it though hun x
No :( there are none in my area. I was thinking that could be it :( I had an overactive let down to begin with but have noted that my boobs don't seem to fill as much as they used to. Am I losing my supply? What could be causing it? This is upsetting me so much :'( bf is the only thing I felt I'd succeeded at since becoming a mum.

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Somebody mentioned on a thread here not long ago that it is really common for moms to think teir supply is dropping around 4 months, but it is often just that babies become really interested in everything else that is going on and are easily distracted. They often feed much better through the night and in dark quiet rooms. Hopefully this is all that is going on with you. Xx
Tyler was fussy at a point but he grew out of it. Infact I remember posting a thread worrying about Tyler getting enough but he's thriving. I NEVER feel full as he pretty much constantly feeds. Could it be reflux related?

Someone said above about babies getting more curious, my doctor told me that and apparently it only gets worse with age.

Owen did this for months, I lost count of the number of bf supporters, health visitors and lactation consultants I saw. Nothing helped very much but sometimes wearing a necklace with bells and other stuff for him to play with while he fed helped a bit.
All I can say is hang in there and trust that your body has enough milk, it does get easier x
Oops forgot to add that he's still bf and thriving so he obviously was getting enough even though it certainly didn't feel like it at the time
We went thru this and I ended up feeding lying down with the curtains shut coz it kept him as calm as I was gonna get him the day!! It got a bit better in time but we started combi feeding at 5.5 months so I don't go thru it as much. Now he will play with my hair or my clothes or put his hand in mouth and that keeps him happy enough! Still goes on and off if distracted but I wouldn't say it was as bad as it was around 4 months xx
Thank you for your reassuring words ladies, she just gets so upset which upsets me :( I've found today that dream feeding her when she's just going down for a nap works, she has a lot and will take both boobs. I've kept up trying her whilst awake and she'll take a bit before screaming. I'm not going to give up though! xx

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Thank-you :)

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