I do still think it could just be the shake-up of going to Ds, which is why I'm still so hesitant to really do any more about it other than reiterating food times and bed time every. single. time.
I really don't know how long their memory lasts at this age, or, awareness of memory, or... I dunno.
Evidently plenty long enough to know daddy's is different to mummy's.
I find it interesting, babyscotcher, that you bring up the autism spectrum. I posted a few months back wondering about this. Things about his behaviour just seemed... A touch odd... I'm still not sure I would say with 100% certainty that he does not have Autism of some degree. However. IF he does, it's only mild. He interacts with adults and children, he's happy playing in a group or on his own.
The main thing that gets me is he'll sometimes just stand on the spot and gently rock from side to side, for like, a good couple minutes at a time.
He'll flap his hand by his face for no obvious reason.
His speech is delayed.
He wouldn't tolerate hugs of any kind for aaaages. Only the last couple months really he's actively giving hugs (still only when asked, never of his own accord).
There were other things as well, but those were the traits that pushed me to look more into it.
When I asked the HV about it though she just kinda poo-poo'd it off and said no one would realistically look into it before he was three anyway.
Last night was funny.
I woke up at some point in the night to find I'd gained a guy in bed with me.
Goodness knows how, cause usually a cough or a big sleep-snort is enough to wake me up, but, somehow, my cheeky lil chappy had got up, padded into my room, got up into bed, and got himself comfy.
Goodness knows how long he's been there but he was sound when I woke at 3:30 this morning.
I know I should have got up and put him back in his own bed, but the thought of waking him scared me, so I just left him to it.
Finally woke me at about 7:15
Gonna have to see what happens tonight I guess, cause I can't really have him deciding he'll only sleep in mummy's bed... Especially not when OH and new baby are both due to be here in less than two months. Xx