looks like i fall under Lttc/fertility issues now


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2011
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Hi girls I hope you dont mind me posting in here but i havent been on the forum since april after giving myself a break as ttc was stressing me out...but it looks like since having my gynaecology appt on tuesday that i fall under this area now.....

The dr I had was really lovely....he was very clear and explained everything in detail with me
(I took with me a list of my cycles, lengths and dates etc and he was chuffed as said it made it alot easier for him)...he said due to my irregular cycles Im not ovulating at all and so hes prescribed me 3 cycles worth of 50mg clomid (i have to take it from cd 2 - 6 so 5 days in total)....hes also prescribed me tablets to bring a bleed on if my period doesnt start properly this cycle, those i have to take 3 times a day for 10 days.
Im cd 27 today so im thinking of waiting till like cd 34/35 and if BFN and no AF il possibly start then as the sooner the better really if im not ovulating (he gave the impression im not ovulating at all). judging from my temps tho i havent ovulated yet.

I was quite nervous going there thinking i would have a battle on my hands trying to get treatment but i didnt need to do any of that.

He seems to think the clomid will do the job in the next 3 cycles..,...but hes seeing me again in 3 months and if it hasnt hes going to send me for the dye in my fallopian tubes to make sure theyr not blocked.
He said clomid can result in multiple births and asked if that was a problem and we wer like not at all we just want a baby desperately.

so all in all it was a really good appt. I said to him as i was leaving hopefully you wont need to see me in 3 months if this works and he said well hopefully il be seeing you for antenatal bless him

I feel alot more positive about it all now and hopefully will get pregnant this side of xmas :)

what have you girls experiences been with the clomid?

hi hun, i have just finished my 3rd cycle of clomid 50mg and got my BFP yesterday after 2 years of hell!! So unbelievably happy now :)

I found the clomid made me really moody and gave me the worst hot flushes ive ever had!! But all worth it now. Just try and relax with it. Good luck lovely xxx
awe thats wonderful news hun thank you for posting as it gives me hope. yeh its been the longest 11 months of my life so 2 years must have been awful poor you

i have warned my hubby of the side effects but no doubt itl still shock him if i get them lol xxx
My oh was hilarious when I was on the tablets!! He blamed everything I did on them!!

I'm sure once the clomid starts taking effect then you won't be far off your bfp x
yeh i think even when its hubbys fault he will balme the meds lol

yeh fx it works for me xxx
Hi Bellarina, I'm in the same boat as you at the moment. I've just 1 more day to go with taking provera to induce a bleed and then wait for AF before starting clomid. Great that your consultant want you to get started. Fingers crossed for you that the clomid gets things going for you. xx
Hey hun, haven't seen you (well read you) for a while. I'm on clomid too 50mg to boost my ov as despite being regular my progesterone results are borderline.

Its such a relief when u feel like u are getting somewhere and hopefully the clomid will do the trick for you. Being put forward for an HSG is good too and I assume ur hubby/oh has had a semen analysis?
Hi Bellarina, I'm in the same boat as you at the moment. I've just 1 more day to go with taking provera to induce a bleed and then wait for AF before starting clomid. Great that your consultant want you to get started. Fingers crossed for you that the clomid gets things going for you. xx

yes provera that the drug hes given me....what cd did you start taking it as im cd 27 and fertility friend istill saying i havent ovd and even tho iv had lts of cm for about 2 weeks now i havent had cramps so im inclined to believe it.
Thank you hun i hope it works for you too! xx

Hey hun, haven't seen you (well read you) for a while. I'm on clomid too 50mg to boost my ov as despite being regular my progesterone results are borderline.

Its such a relief when u feel like u are getting somewhere and hopefully the clomid will do the trick for you. Being put forward for an HSG is good too and I assume ur hubby/oh has had a semen analysis?

yeh iv had a massive break and i still dont think il be posting on here v often as it does tend to make me more stressed.
how many cles have you been on 50mg now hun? really hope it works for you!
yeh he had his analysis first and it was all normal....then my scan said it was all normal so dr is tryi clomid 3 months then if still no luck he'll do the hsg for me and possibly up my dose to 100mg xx
This is my first at 50mg already had 3 at 25mg. Are u getting scanned or 21day bloods done to check progesterone?
Im having 21 day bloods hun...dr said tgey dont have the facilities unfortunately to do daily scans to monitor so hopefully tge bloods will be sufficient xxx
Hi bellarina, nice to se you again. I took 50mg clomid this month and I had no side efects whatsoever! I took it day 2-6. But everyone is different. I didn't really need it and it seems it has overstimulated me. AF due tomorrow so who knows!

I only had one months supply though so if I'm not preggers it's back to absolutely nothing again until our IUI in JANUARY! Grrr. It's already been over 2 years :-(

We are a friendly bunch though and hopefully you'll not be here for long :wink:

KK xxx

ps - join us in the clomid thread hun x
Thanks kaykay...oo yes il have to come on the clomid thread

i hope it works for u hun. Why do u think it over stimulated you? Glad to hear u didnt have side effects xxx
Hi, nice to see you again. Fx you wont have to wait long now for your bfp!!

Michelle. x
I know I was pleased as well, I've heard about night sweats and mood swings being quite common. But all worth it if it works eh?

I had an internal scan on the day I ov (cd 16) and it showed I had 4 quite big follicles. I then got my progesterone taken at 9dpo (7 days before AF due) and it came back 700 odd! Extremely high! So I have overstimulated. Not sure if this means I have absolutely no chance of a bfp? Some say maybe I'm having multiples!

Will know tomoro. Good luck to you, keep us posted on your journey xxx
o wow well maybe its a good sign hun! lots of luck for tomorro keep me updated :)
yes my gynaecologist did warn me that theres a higher chance of multiples on clomid but thats fine with me :) even one baby would be a blessing for us, anymore than that would be amazing xxx
Hi Bellarina and welcome! I remember chatting to you last year :)
Glad you're getting started on clomid, hopefully it will get you that bfp.
I tried it and it didn't get me ovulating but my ovaries are really polycystic.
Good luck hun xxxx
The blood tests will be enough. Just make sure u get them done 7dpo not day21, well unless u actually ov on day 14! X
Hey blondy, awe sorry it didnt work for you hun must be very frustrating.

ah yes thanks itisbabytime, gynaecologist said cd 21 but i remember thinking i need to do it 7dpo incase ov later than cd 14

Hiya Ballarina :)

I'm so glad that you seem to have a supportive GP - he sounds fab!

Hopefully he's right and you'll be having your last Xmas as a twosome xx
thank you hun....we naievely said last xmas "ooo next xmas there will be a baby" but il settle for a baby bump lol fingers crossed im that lucky anyway :)

yes my gp has been amazing....he referred me for hubbys SA, my scans, and a gynaecologist....and gynaecologist was amazing too wev been very lucky


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