Looking for reasons and hoping for hope!


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2012
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Just wondering if anyone has had a baby, then two miscarriages in a row and then had a healthy baby? My doctors obviously won't help me as I haven't had three in a row but I really really don't want it to happen again. I wish I knew why.
My husband saw the baby this time when it passed, and we are struggling to be hopeful. It just seems like we are dogged with bad luck. We were told our little girl had brain anomalies at 20 weeks pregnant and went through thinking we were going to lose her to now, when she is doing fine.
It's a lot for one person to deal with and I find I cope with these things by finding hope and looking to the future. I have actually ordered a new ovulation kit so that's a bit of progress. I'm determined not to give up but if this process is going to get tougher, I want to be prepared.
Sorry to see this hun I can't relate to your question but just wanted to say I hope you're doing ok and sorry you have to be mummy to an angel

:whistle: fapatalking :whistle:
Hiya I havnt had what u describe but I know a few ladies on here have but I think they are due to have babies so are probably not around the forum much or just sticking to tri3 I've had 2 mmc in the past 18 months and a chemical mc beginning of October, I'm the opposite I've had other kids no problem but now I can't seem to carry a baby past 10 weeks docs say probs my age and eggs aren't as gd as they should be anymore and bad luck :-( I went to my doctor last month after the chemical cos that made 3 losses as the EPu told me after 3 they would help but my doc wasn't interested he said its 4 mcs :-/ I came away quite upset but I'm going to go back if I'm not lucky this cycle and even if I am lucky I'm going to go back and have them check my progesterone levels for early pregnancy cos low progesterone is a cause for early mc it's shit that they won't do anything till 3-4 mcs but try not to think ur going to have another but think next time it's all going to be ok :) xx
Hi. I have a 9yr old and 5 yr old. I had my first mc in Nov last year, then another in Feb this year. I am currently 25 weeks pregnant. It's been a hard year and a huge emotional rollercoaster. The mcs I have had kind of sapped the fun out of this current pregnancy but l started to get excited a few weeks ago.

I'd say wait a few extra cycles this time give your body and mind to fully heal. It will feel like the slowest few months ever but I really feel it was the best thing we did.

Good luck and I'm sorry you had to go through what you have been through.
Thanks all. I have been referred to the recurrent miscarriage clinic (or whatever it is actually called) due to my history and also referred to the geneticist to see if that's the problem. I'm not giving up.
Just today I've started to feel a whole lot brighter, the only thing that made me smile was my beautiful little miracle, Annabelle and her lovely daddy. I found myself looking forward to Christmas, which is quite a big thing as I was so down after this happening again as I found no joy in anything. I think it was hormones maybe. I have accepted what happened now, it's always going to be part of my history and I couldn't have changed it.
I know the referrals won't necessarily give me the answers I want but as I say, no part of me wants to even consider giving up.
I have also decided that when our little one is Christened at Christmas, we will have the priest mention the two we lost. I think I need them to be acknowledged as I carried them with me for almost three months each and I will always carry them in my heart.
I did a pregnancy test and the line was very faint, so my levels are going down. I also have a scan on Monday to check everything is ok. I think that will be sad, but it's also hopefully the start of TTC again! I'm hopeful I will get there in the end.
Hey I have not experiences the same as you, but I have lost 3 babies in a row before having my rainbow baby, please don't lost faith, good luck for the future x x
Hi I don't have the same experiences as you but I have had recurrent miscarriages because of a chromosome abnormality. It's really great that the hospital are giving you the karyotyping tests. There's usually a 6-8 week wait for those results. I was told with my particular issue I could keep trying and eventually maybe get a "good" egg, use an egg donor, or try to get funded for ivf pgd (where they screen all embryos for the genetic problem), although getting ivf pgd funded is very difficult and not given for all genetic issues. Luckily I fell pregnant with my miracle baby and am currently 28 weeks pregnant after 11 early miscarriages, so there is hope.

I really hope you are ok hun, if you ever need to talk you can pm me xxx
Hi, I haven't experienced this myself but it has happened to a friend of mine. She had her first child with no problems but when she was trying for her second she had 2 miscarriages. She got pg again and had a healthy baby. Same thing happened to someone I know through work so you have every chance with your next pregnancy. Good luck xxx

Thank you girls, I really appreciate all your replies :) This forum has been an absolute god send.
Well, I got my first negative this morning (I was both pleased and sad to see a negative because it means everything is working! How odd!) I also have the scan to check everything is back to normal this morning, but it will be so so sad to see an empty space on the screen so I suppose I won't look!
I will be back! :)
Hi Lozzaste

Can I just ask how long it took for you to get the negative hpt! I thought mine was the other day but there is still a line there!

Glad to hear your positivity - I must take a leaf from your book xxx
Hiya. It took two weeks exactly, last time was also an 11/12 week loss and that took two and a half weeks.
I don't feel so positive now, seeing the empty screen was HARD. I cried a lot and I still am. I then had to go to see the early pregnancy nurse and that is situated in the ante natal ward, that stung a bit. Ill be better later.
I am now going away on business for two days so that should take my mind off it!
Oh and according to the scan, I'm not even beginning to ovulate - the sonographer said they can see it happening up to a week before and no activity in mine. So I am assuming that this would be day one of my cycle, so ovulation in about two weeks. Here we go again, peeing on sticks, counting days, using Pre-seed, using soft cups etc!
I know exactly what you mean about seeing the empty sac, it is hard, but I promise it will get easier x x
Oh Hun I know it's really tough! I had that awful scan last Tuesday

I have purchased my sticks ready but not poas yet because of the hpt line! I'm not going to get my cbfm back out until next month but am going to temp this month as that costs me nothing!

I hope your feeling better soon xxxx
I had that scan on Friday, I didn't look at the screen, but when the doctor was putting my notes together after I caught sight of the print out he had done of my empty uterus :( only a week and half before I had seen a sac a bean and a heartbeat - but kind of knew it wouldn't last as I was 7 weeks when it happened, but baby only measured 5 and was really tiny for the dates. (which I was sure of).

I got my negative hpt 2 days ago and also did an opk and it had a super faint line, so know I can start using them. The doctor looked at my ovaries and said to expect AF in around 2-3 weeks.

Hope you feel better later, and like you say your business trip will give you something else to focus on for a bit.
I cried a lot at "a thousand years"
Christina Perri
Please tell me - I see this song as my song for my bubbas. I cried a lot at this one, but it gives me hope as I know my chibbet (I called every baby that) will come back xxxxx
The above post is weird, I must have been a bit tiddly... Hen heh.
Anyway, just an update for ladies who have gone through a similar thing, the miscarriage started on Nov 5th, and I used OPKs after a got my first BFN, and I ovulate yesterday or today, so things are getting back to normal. I might try next month - I worked out I will O on New Year's Eve... I will have to lay off the champagne then! :) and pour it all in hubby's glass....
Very similar to me...I started my MC on the 7th November at 7weeks preg - and bled until the 11th then my hpt were back negative by the 16th - started using opk - and ovulated 3 days ago :) and my next ov will be 29th Dec :)

good luck for a sticky bean
So sorry that you don't have any answers, I wish there was more support around miscarriages. Because you're told it's so common you don't feel as if you can "feel" anything about it.

I've suffered two miscarriages, one at 6+5 and one at around 6+3. I haven't yet decided whether I ever want to TTC again, although the both of my losses were unexpected pregnancies.

Really hope you find some answers and get your rainbow soon hun :hugs:


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